



Corey and I stayed alone for months, I'm sure we spent the rest of breeding season together. We didn't know I wasn't for sure until about 2 months later.

A part of me was happy I wasn't pregnant as that meant I could return, but another part of me didn't want to go back. I wanted to stay here with Corey. We had grown close over the time and he helped me when I was hurt. He was ok with me practicing my transformations and even kind of supported it in a way.

Ian came back around once every other week at night to make sure we had al the supplies and things we would need and he helped me work on my transformation. He did it u til I was able to fully transform and I know I need to constantly do it otherwise it'll become harder to transform again and the more time I practice and can do it the easier it becomes.

I decided I wasn't going to return, this world was dangerous, but I'm capable of being just as dangerous too, so that decided it. I wasn't going back to my tribe.

Corey wouldn't leave me alone though and I was thankful for that, but he wanted me to join him. He promised we could live farther away from his tribe but still close enough that we had numbers and protection. I agreed to his terms. He was eighth about it being better that way. It would be a better deterrent for other big predictors to act attack. It would also still allow me to change and use my abilities as I please since we wouldn't be in the village but the tribe also understood part of being a hybrid. They understood the use of there abilities, just differently than I knew since I was originally around dragons. They didn't understand that they were hybrids but they knew they were different then humans.

We didn't meet up with Coreys tribe up they passed by on the migration going to the water. The herd they followed went into warmer climates that the winter didn't hit, and was warmer all year round, but would get very hot. The drought season happened during breeding season and the rainy weather would follow us over during the summer. He explained that it would be close to 100 degrees or hit that and it wouldn't rain for about 3 months and we would follow the herd back and soon after the return it would rain for a month and places would flood so they would venture farther away from the herd and up onto near by mountains, he also said that we wouldn't run into any humans tribes because only hybrid tribes followed the herd because the conditions were too extreme and with it being hot all year it was hard to live through than the cold. He explained that although it could reach temperatures of 100 or higher during the day, it could also drop to temperatures under 40 degrees at night which is fairly cold so due to that only those who are resilient and know how to survive in these conditions will be able to survive. The herd we were near when we left also joined near the other herd same with a herd of antelope and a few other herbivores. They all travel to get her but have different breeding areas that they go to.

Life tends to take a lot of twist and turns that nobody can anticipate. I never imagined leaving my tribe, let alone leaving the way that I did. I was also starting to come to the realization I was going to marry Lucas, but I made it so I wouldn't without even realizing that I was going to push him away and lose my best friend in the process. I know Emily has to resent me to some extent for what I did to her brother, but I also know she knew she wouldn't ever be able to say it because of who I was. I also meant new people and was welcomed into a new tribe and a new family with open arms, plus found my brother was actually alive. Life has a funny way of proving your beliefs to be wrong and sending through what feels like a never ending maze full of twist and turns all to be able to find you way. Meeting people, sometimes the wrong people or finding things out and then ending back where you originally started only to do it all over again. You never know what fate has in store for you and everything happens for a reason.

I believe everyone is brought into your life for purpose and then leaves when it has been filled and sometimes the way they leave teaches you a lesson in itself, sometimes they leave in a way you will never forget just as sometimes you will never forget how they entered your life. All of it teaches you something about yourself and helps shape you will become as you grow.

I hope to change the hybrids views of dragons and stop the senseless killing at least I think. I used to wish to kill every hybrid and then I blamed dragons for what happened and wanted them dead, now I see it is all pointless revenge, our two people don't understand one another and most don't realize how connected we truly are, we should be living in peace together helping each other survive instead of killing one another. I don't know that I'll truly be able to complete this but even if I change the mind of one tribe and one clan that might be enough to start a change that will be seen in the future. I might not live to see peace, but I hope my children and those that come afterwards might get to see it.