I hadn't seen Sam or Liz since I had gotten here since they weren't ever in the gardens where I was. Liz was always with the kids or in the barns while Sam was in charge of protection and finding areas that would be good hunting since you had to go through swamps he lead the team of people to find good areas where the hunter should be able to hunt more easily. Everyone in the tribe had specific role that they had to follow there roles in order to keep everything running smoothly.

Children were all raised together and they saw there tribe as only as strong as the weakest member, most don't see it that way. It's not like a team it's just people following other. It's better this way though. It's not money based in the tribe and people help each other so everyone has enough food to survive. Some still have lower things as they aren't as good of hunters or as good at building or growing, they also still have money but it's al base off how they contribute to the tribe. It's how they choose the higher ranks or lower ranks, they are honestly kind of like an army. I was happy to have a chance or seeing everyone though and it would be different since I really only saw others who work in the garden and this time I could see them in a different light. Maybe see another side to them that isn't about work and get to know there real personalities. I got to ride my horse again, I had on red and a little gold. I had earrings and a necklace that were gold and that had red jewels in it. My dark hair also helped all it stand out more especially compared to the pure white horse I was riding.

My brother and his clan had talked about going out and catching horses for themselves. If they were going to be around humans and hybrids they needed to appear as if they were like us. I already knew if anyone noticed them I would just claim they had followed from my tribe, as nobody knew anyone from my tribe and they didn't really pay very much attention to who all had come since there were such big groups that moved with the herd. Since I didn't live in the village they also wouldn't know how many were with me since nobody had been out near us and it was a decent distance away. I mean technically dragons are hybrids too, in a way because none of them are pure dragons they all have a mixture of witch in them. What we know as hybrids just have human, and dragon. The witch in them is considered part of there human side but it never is a higher percentage then dragon, that's why they are so weak when it comes to magic and most can't tell the differences from the things around them energy and can only pull off there own energy and life force. Most of the human part of me is mostly witch though since I have such a high content of dragon in me, more than half of the human part of me is most likely witch.

It was going to be good for me to see people from the tribe though. I need them to be able to except me that way we can live in peace. I could have a tribe and maybe the the clan could become part of it. When we arrived I could smell the fresh meat cooking and there was a lot of noises from the other people in the tribe. Most of them ignored that we arrived and were there.

We put the horses in the stable, then we went to the main hut. A tall well built man was sitting there drinking wine. Something felt off about him, he didn't have a shirt on and his muscles were clearly defined. He had a few scares, he had them on his chest and onto his arms, along with a single cut mark on his face it looked like it just missed his eye. His eyes were blood red, I understood where the others got there eyes from but his were pure red unlike Corey, Sam, and Liz. His hair was light brown. He looked over at us as we walked into hut. He didn't say a word but I felt his eyes scanning me. I realized very quickly that the scares were all most likely from fighting dragons. There was a sword leaning against the table right next to him. Corey stopped as did I. I was watching both of there movements as carefully as I could, this mans scent was different but I couldn't figure out exactly why it was different or what it meant. Maybe he's just a high percentage hybrid because his isn't the same smell as my brother and his clans, but he could be a dragon. Not all dragons have the same scent, but that would mean Corey, Sam, and Liz should also be high percentage unless there moms were only human then maybe that would make them a little lower percentage, potentially still high enough to be able to transform though. If they never learned it when they were young then they may not even know how though, maybe they just don't know. After all Corey didn't know dragons have human forms as well.

His father nodded his as if to say it was ok to come farther in. Corey grabbed my hand and lead me over to the table we both sat on at the table at the opposite side from his father. I stayed quiet, I already knew how to act around leaders. You don't speak until spoken to when you are in their presence.

"Who's your guest, Ive never seen her before?" His father asked.

"This is Megan, she's is the daughter of one of the tribe leaders from the North. I brought her and some of her people with us back here."

"Explains her manors, she looks like she wasn't from here. Her skin is so fair, just like all of the women in the north and south. She's very beautiful I can see why she is who you choose."

"She's also very talented when it comes to growing crops and is good with the horse she rides and most the dogs seem to like her. I also think she's a good tracker and might be good at hunting."

"All good qualities, the north women are known for the jewelry, clothing, and pottery design. Both of my children's mothers loved to get jewelry from them, but the clothing they make wasn't soft enough material. It's a shame they don't have access to things such as silk or they could make a lot more money at the markets, but the pots were always what intrigued me the most, how do your people make such designs on them?" His father actually asked me something and acknowledged that I was right here and he could talk to me not just his son.

"Same as we do jewelry, a lot of patients and we have small hands and fingers so it's easier for us to create small details."

"Coreys mother tried, but always failed."

"Megan never worked on anything other than those things though, that's all her parents taught her to do. I'm sure practice and experience made it easier." Corey said, I knew he was trying to make sure his father wouldn't take any offense to anything I might say.

"Oh yes, I forgot how old schooler the north is. You must have a brother or cousin that taught you how to hunt, and track without your parents knowledge then." He said.

"Yes, Sir. My older brother taught me everything I'd need to know to survive if I was ever separated from them. He wanted to make sure if it ever happened I would be ok until they found me, so I also know how to make fires and collect would. As do all those who came with me." I said.

"Well then I will have to meet all of our new comers before I leave, will they be coming tonight."

"No, they have to stay at our home and protect the garden and the huts." Corey said.

"That's the dogs job."

"They don't have any out there, her tribe didn't have dogs. Even if they did it wouldn't of been dogs that could survive the climate here, so they wouldn't of been able to bring them anyways."

"Ahh, well our Belgian Malinois will be having puppies soon, there will be a litter born this week and another they said should arrive next week. Let her pick two or three puppies to bring back to her people, they can train them. You also will be picking out a dog from one of the litters, your old enough to have your own dog to bring on hunting trips now."

"Thank you, from both of us father. I would also prefer if you referred to Megan by her name."

"To think I left a boy afraid to speak up to his father, and return to one who thinks he's a man who speaks up now for women. Once you have one they truly do change you. Don't forget who your father is though, you might be the next leader but I am the current one. Who is this women to you that you would speak up to me for her, I originally thought she was here to be introduced and maybe get a favor which I have given by allowing her people a few dogs and by hosting her."

"They will be joining our tribe soon father. She's also the women I live with and intend to marry when the time comes that she's ready."

"Well then welcome to our family, it would appear our tribe has more to celebrate tonight then just my return. You shall both sit next to each other by my side tonight and I will announce the engagement to the tribe."

His father was truly about to tell everyone we were engaged, I mean Corey had never actually asked or said I was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with before. Now he was telling his father but I guess that makes sense as his father would have to approve as he was the leader, but normally you tell the other person first right. You don't just spring it on them. I kinda wanted him to say it though, but now he has and I'm not sure how to feel about all of it. I like what we have and I don't what it to change.