I wasn't prepared for meeting his father. I also wasn't ready to be engaged but being engaged doesn't mean being married. Some are engaged for years, although that's normally because they aren't from the same tribe. It'd be nice to wait a little while though. I'm not ready to have sex with someone and have children I'm not mother material yet, although children are raised by the entire tribe in a way, and they have certain people who you leave the children with, they take care of everything for you and teach them all they need to know, but then I don't even get to see my child until they are 10. I mean I'd see my kid but not be able to bring them home with me or see them grow and hear there first words.

I wonder if that's why I never meant my father. Maybe his tribe was this way too so my mother left to be able to raise me and Ian. I mean Ian was already 8 when I was born and nobody really knew who my father was just that he was from a tribe and wasn't a dragon. He could of been a hybrid though, it would make sense for him to of been since that would make sense on why I'm such a high percentage hybrid, and for why I have the powers I have as a witch.

Everything was set up outside, there was a platform which was about as tall as a hut and on top of it there was a long table. The table had 5 chairs placed in a line one side of it, it was facing towards the fire and other tables. I could see people setting the table and starting to bring wine and some foods up to it. Liz and Sam were here now too. We all walked up onto the platform from stairs in the back. Sam and Corey both sat next to there father who was in the middle. Then me and Liz were at opposite ends of the table.

Some women brought up meat and started putting bread and carrots and asparagus and meat onto our plates.

I hate when people put food on my plate, honestly I don't trust people enough to allow it, but the people that raised me assured me that they were supposed to and they wouldn't poison us, if anything that would of been the cook. I had forgotten what it was like to be served though. I had been on my own now for more than half a year and had to plate my own food and make my own food. I was also a little uncomfortable being in front of everyone. It meant all eyes were on us which I wasn't used to. I was expecting to meet people not be above everyone. It was also a little uncomfortable since none of the guys had shirts on and most of the women only had on a skirt and short tops that only covered there boobs. I something similar on but mine covered more, but my torso was also wrapped as was Coreys from the recent injury and me healing some of his wound. I had also had a cloak on so nobody was able to see the part that was wrapped on me when I arrived. It was also now covered by the table, so nobody noticed.

Everyone had started to eat, his Coreys father stood up. He called for everyone's attention, we all stopped eating and looked to him.

"We have a lot to celebrate tonight. We mourn the loss of our men and celebrate those who made it home. For that all those with injuries will take the bandages off themselves, the scares we carry will serve as a reminder of our loses and greatness. We also celebrate my return!"

Everyone cheered as he said his last words. They also started helping one another remover there bandages. I looked over at Corey. We both knew it was too soon and people would start to bleed again. He stood and offered me his hand. His father looked over as I took off his bandages and Corey started to remover my wrap. Others looked up to us as well. Others knew Coreys wound was much worse when he came back, and I think some realized when he took mine off that I had healed some of his and taken part of it in his place. It was much more dangerous for them to do it as they pulled off there own life force and took on the others injuries, where I drew off things around us so the only harm I caused myself was taking on the injury. We also had seaweed covering the wound which I'm sure nobody understood. It has healing properties and most people are unaware of it what all it can do. It helps your wounds heal faster and prevent infection and helps reduce pain.

His father waited for us to be done and we went to sit back down but he put his hand up gesturing us to remain standing. He started to speak again.

"We also are celebrating the future of our tribe. I'm sue many of you have noticed an outsider is up here with my son. She and the others who have joined her on her journey here with us will be outsiders no more. Tonight I have blessed her Union with my son, and we celebrate there engagement. Along with my other sons engagement to a high up member of another hunting tribe."

People cheered again, although some did look a little confused as they hadn't even seen me before since I wasn't living within the village but other knew who I was. Nobody knew Sam was engaged either. Corey held my hand which was visible as our hands were above the table. We both smiled at his father and bowed our heads then sat back down. His father raised his glass as he spoke "we toast to new unions, those we have lost, and to the future of our glorious tribe!"

Everyone raised there glass and cheered. They were very vocal people, although I feared I wasn't going to be excepted as they didn't marry out very often and tended to stay within the tribe. They were going to have two new members to the tribe that came from somewhere else.

Corey and I talked to Sam and Liz after we finished eating and went down to the fire. Sam told us that the women he's engaged to is who someone from my old tribe was supposed to marry last breading season. He said they have arranged a small wedding, only family and high members in both tribes will be there for it. The meeting place is about a weeks ride away from where we currently are. They said we will leave at the night of the full moon, which will be in about 16 days from now. Thanks to the announced engagement I was expected to be there with Corey. I was hoping to get to stay here with my brother and his clan and get more stuff worked out.

As the night ended we went to the stables and got our horses and road back to the huts.

I saw my brothers clan had created stables themselves. We took the horses to the new stables and saw 11 Friesian horses. They were beautiful and there coats were shining where the moonlight was coming through and hitting them. 8 of them were chestnut colored, it was a deep brown chestnut color with black main, then two of them were black with black main. Then there was a blue roan with black main. My brother came into the stables.

"We got you a horse too, it's this one." He said and pointed to the blue roan horse.

"Thank you." I said and smiled.

"Well we figured the horse you have been riding is pretty, but this one will be better for travel and they were used as war horse in olden days. It's a better hunting horse and is able to carry more weight for moving things."

"You guys are right, thank you."

They really are right the horse I'm riding now is beautiful but she's small, she's about 8 inches smaller than the one my brother got me. She might be better for going places quickly as she was originally bread as a sports anima, meant to race and have good endurance. The one my brother got us a strong horse who is often used in agriculture and for pulling things, they are also very calm and good listening horses which is why they were used in wars. Which is something that is good now when it comes to fighting with dragons or hunting since they aren't easily spooked unlike the horse I'm currently riding.

Both horses are good and I like both of them which is why I want to keep both of them. I can use one for when we are going to meet leaders and other tribes while using another when we fight with other clans or tribes. Tribe wars do happen often with the eastern and western tribes. They are more aggressive tribes and tend to fight to prove they are the best. The climate has a lot to do with that since it stays warm all year round there isn't any time that they can't have wars and they tend to fight for many reasons such as territory, food, and water supply. Along with over people sometimes as they want to marry one from a tribe and the other tribe disagrees. They also like to compete to prove they are the strongest, which is only done with war. There are also a lot of hybrids tribes in the east and west since it's hot all year round, and our skin is normally tougher and dragons tend to normally stay in warm regions.

Keeping both would be a good decision and it would look like I had this horse when I road over here, and we all have the same type for a reason.

"Brother, next week we will have puppies. Two of the Belgian Malinois in the tribe are having puppies, and the leader said we could choose 3 puppies out of the litters to bring here and raise. Corey will also be getting own from the litters as his own dog to us for hunting."

"That's good I will tell the others in the clan, but we should all rest since we go hunting tomorrow."

"Yeah, do you guys need any weapons?"

"No, we all know how to make our own with our abilities. You know how to do that as well, don't you sister?"

"Yes, that's why I was asking. I wasn't sure how many I was going to need to make tonight so we were ready in the morning."

"Your brothers right though, we should try to get some sleep so we can leave early, the best time to hunt is at dawn since we won't have to worry about our shadows yet and more animals are out, since it's not as hot as it will be once the sun is up." Corey said.

"I will make sure the other know you will both be joining us for the hunt." Ian said.

We smiled at him as he left and returned to the hut with the others. We finished putting the horses away and went back our hut and wrapped our wounds again as we got ready for bed.

"So we're engaged now." I said.

"Yes, is that a problem." Corey said and looked over at me.

"Keep, your eyes away I'm changing."

"Well, I will see soon enough. After all we are going to be married."

"We aren't married yet though."

"Does that mean everything's off limits then?"

I finished changing and sat down on the bed.

"I'm not sure what everything is, but I'm going to say yes. It's not like we have done anything other then sleep in the bed up until now anyways."

"That might be true, but I can always change."

Corey laid down on the bed and pull me on top of him making it so I was straddling him. He kept his hands in between my waste and thighs so I couldn't get off of him.

"Relax darling, we aren't even doing anything yet." He said.

I smile at him, but I was wearing a skirt and he was only in underwear. I realized that I was going anywhere, so I brought my face down. I had one hand on his collar bone as I brought my lips closer to his as if I was going to kiss him, but instead moved and kissed his cheek.

"You owe me a kiss." He said.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Well I don't think I do and you can't make me."

"I definitely think you do and we both know if I wanted to I could."

"I disagree with you, and if you really think you can make me then do it."

I love teasing him, and it's fun to see how frustrated I can make him sometimes.

It normally ends with him being able to do what he wanted, but he never has actually kissed me before even when we mess around with things like this. He's aware how they raised me there, I wasn't supposed to be around men at all let alone kissing or doing anything sexual with them. They would have a heart attack if they saw me on top of him like this since we aren't married. They would also probably assume we were having sex since I only have a skirt on and am basically sitting on his dick, but we have unseat between us.

Corey used his weight and muscles to flip us so that way I was under him and he was on top of me and in between my legs, he brought his face down to mine and kissed my cheek and lightly kissed all the way over to my ear.

"I win, now you owe me something." He whispered into my ear. His breath was so warm feeling it against my ear and neck made me skin almost move, the electricity I could feel between us was drawing me to him. My body moved towards him as he started to kiss my neck. He hadn't ever kissed anything other then my cheek, so neither of us knew this would of been my reaction. I didn't even think about it but legs moved to use them to pull his lower body closer to mine. Then my hands were on his back one was on his lower back while the other was by his shoulder pull his body closer to mine. My head also shifted so my the area of my neck he was kissing would be completely exposed. He lifted his head and I could see the shock in his eyes but I could feel the warmth of him all over my body but I didn't even notice what I had done. I wasn't even thinking and seeing his head raise the hand that was by his shoulder moved to his face. I pulled his face to mine, and kissed him. It wasn't a light peck either. It was a full on kiss. I let my hand slip from his face to his hair. Then back to his shoulder which is when he pulled away. I bit my lip as he looked back down at me. His eyes seemed to be glowing again and I wanted his energy and warmth to stay, it was the same feeling I had when we went swimming the first night we truly all meant. I could see shock in his eyes as we started to smile, I had thrown him off. He came down and kissed me again, he moved his hand to the back of my head and entangled his fingers in my hair. I flipped him onto his back again so I was on top of him and I brought my hand to his chest and to his head. He moved his other hand onto my waist.

That position didn't last for long though. He moved his hand and pulled me off of him and onto my side. I was still facing and he rolled onto his side to face me. He kissed my forehead.

"That's enough darling."

I didn't say anything but my eyes got bigger and I started to pout, I'm truly not even sure what was going through my head but I didn't want to listen to him. I just want to be against him and make it so this feeling wouldn't leave. It didn't matter what I had to do to keep it, but I wouldn't let it go.

"If we keep going I don't think I will be able to stop myself. You want to wait until we are married, so that enough for tonight."

I heard his words processed them I think. I didn't really think about them if we are being honest. I wanted to keep the moment we were having and the energy I was feeling. Therefor anything he said was irrelevant and didn't matter as long as I could have the energy I wanted and keep the way I was feeling. I touched his chest gently and looked at him. I don't know what he saw in my eyes that took him by surprise for a second time, but it caught him off guard enough for me to flip him onto his back and be on top of him and start kissing him again. It didn't keep him that way for long though. He flipped me over so he was on top of me and pulled away.

"Megan, I mean it. That's enough, I don't know how much you drank but I think it's clouding your judgement. I need you to stop because I know you want to wait until marriage but I won't be able to stop myself if you keep this up."

I heard him again and thought about it for a second. I knew it was wrong but we're engaged. It's also not seen as wrong here. Most women in his tribe sleep with anywhere from two to five guys before getting married. They are rarely ever virgins and normally have already slept with the person they are going to marry. I haven't even done that, I can't remember sleeping with anyone at all. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled mine up while pulling his down. I brought myself to his ear.

"Just be gentle." I whispered, then let go of him and brought my head back down. He looked at me and it was clear he was debating on what to do.

"Tell me that when I know you haven't had anything to drink love. Then we can, but I won't take any chances that anything is effecting you judgment. I want to know you mean it." He said.

He's such a nice person but what if that's not what I want him to be right now. I didn't like his answer. I kissed him and flipped us both on our sides. I moved his hands to where I wanted them to be. One of his hand was now under my shirt holding my boos while the other was under my skirt. I stopped kissing him for a second, and looked at him who again looked surprised and like he didn't know how to respond to my actions.

"At least let me have fun, if we aren't going to have sex. You've been gone to long, I missed you."

"What you like me to do then love."

"I've already made that pretty clear, and now your half way there."

He smiled at me and I kissed him again. He knew exactly what I meant he grabbed my boob, then moved his hands. He pulled off my top then my skirt. He continued to kiss me. Then he flipped me over on my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"Goodnight beautiful."