We all sat and talked for a little while than my aunt returned with food. We all sat quietly and ate waiting for her to speak.

"Girls we do need to go over what is expected to happen within the next few days. May will be entrusted to the two of you until the wedding. You will come and get her tomorrow morning. You will all have to teach her what is expected of her from you tribe. At some point tomorrow or the third day we will come over to your camp with our leader and the doctor we brought. He will check you May to insure your still a virgin, since that is what we promised. The doctor will check you in front of everyone to show there is proof that we aren't lying. There will also be a physical exam to prove you are adequate for what is needed as a wife. Once you are married you need to know you are your husbands property so he can do whatever he's fit." My aunt said.

"Don't worry my brother is a kind person, and we don't view it so much as ownerships, we will tell you more about what you need to know about our tribe and traditions tomorrow." Liz said.

"Yes these two will take care of you as of tomorrow. This will be your last night staying here so if you have anything you want to be taken over with you I'd make sure you give it to them tonight or at least let them know about it. Also make sure you say your goodbyes since you won't see your parents until your wedding night."

May nodded saying she understood of what was expected of her. She clearly was upset and nervous. It's hard not to be nervous. What they are going to put her through with a check up is going to be very embarrassing since it's a public inspection, it's an embarrassing process when it's done privately. I can't imagine the thought going through her head right now. All modesty she has been told she has to have her entire like and had planned or hoped to have she's now finding out she most likely won't.

"You will also be in charge of making rings for your wedding night as a physical representation of your union. The night of you wedding you will not be able to eat with all of as a spiritual unification, you and your husband will not eat and will retire to a place the men will have set up earlier in the rituals. I'm letting you know that it's the night of your wedding and you will go with him and do whatever he pleases to repress your loyalty and commitment to him. Although you shouldn't have sex that night because it's preferred for the two of you to wait until the next morning when the leaders are all there to confirm your marital status. That being said he may choose to use other methods than just regular sex to give himself pleasure and help him release his stress and you must allow him to do whatever he decides, since you are now his."

"Your only scaring her, I've know the man your going to marry. Everything I've seen has shown him to be a kind and gentle person, I don't believe he will do anything that only gives himself pleasure especially if it makes you uncomfortable in anyway." I said.

"The ceremony and rituals within in it are very straight forward, something will happen the night of your marriage but what that will be is up to your new husband. You must understand the physical aspect is most likely going to be the hardest part for you May. You will have to do a few more drills and such to prove what your body can do. Also the day after your wedding you will be riding again back with your husband to your new tribe. Therefore any final goodbyes or final things you feel you need to say to people should be done during the dinning part of the night before you leave off with your new husband because the only people you will see the next day will be the leaders and me and after we have proof the marriage is confirmed than we shall leave and that will be the last you see of us until the breeding season that we all end up at the same grounds again. Which won't be for another 3 years so make sure you don't say anything that makes you have any regrets and any of your homesick feelings should hopefully already be gone by then since you will be staying with the other tribe for the rest of the ceremony after tonight."

"Okay, I'll make sure everything is done before that. Thank you my head lady." May said. She seemed nervous but was trying to conceal all of her fear and nerves. My aunt nodded her head and went to walk out of the tent.

"Girls if I were the both of you, I would start heading back to your camp. It's getting dark and I'd hate for anything to happen to the two of you because you stayed out to late and it got to dark so you would get lost or worse hurt. It's sunset right now so you still have some light so it would probably be best for you to start back to your camp or at least prepare to return." My aunt said and walked out of the tent.

"Your head lady is right May. Meg and I should start to head back. Is there anything you want us to bring back with us so you will have it for when you stay with us?"

"Not that I can think of right now, but I do have some question about sleeping arrangements." May said.

"We will work that all out tonight with our leader so we will answer your questions tomorrow if that's ok with you." I said.

"Ok.. we'll have a goodnight and get back safe." May said.

"We will see you tomorrow." Liz said.

"Swear dream." I said.

The two of us walked out of the tent. We started to head back towards are camp. Once we were far enough from there camp Liz broke the silence.

"She seem kinda of like a mess. I'm not sure she will be able to survive in our tribe. She's not in shape and doesn't know how to control and hide her feelings."

"Honestly I was thinking the same thing. I think she has potential but we are going to have to get her in shape if she's going to be able to keep up with your tribe she's going to need to change her workout and training to be more intense."

"Maybe we can help her with some of it, but I can't believe her tribe would allow her to become that big and shelter her so much than send her off to a hardcore tribe where she will have to be in too physical shape and be able to hide so much more."

"In her defense most women aren't taught to hide there feelings very well in other tribes, I know I was very sheltered. I'm just a quick study. Most tribes also only use women to make products to sell at markets and to pick berries and do other household chores and raise kids. Being in good physical shape normally isn't a high priority if it's even on the list of things to do. I kept myself in shape because I felt I would need to be in order to feel good about myself, I don't think most people feel the same way I do. I also found it helped make it so I don't cramp as much." I said.

"Your right, we will see what we can do with her within the next few day then I guess."

We smiled at each other and could here the guys talking back at our camp. The other tribes men were still are there. I looked over at Corey and I could tell he was over the conversations. We stayed quiet and went to walk by. Corey got up and walked over to us as he spoke.

"There is my gorgeous wife and sister, you've both finally returned. I would of come to get you if I would of known you were on your back, since it's almost completely dark it's to dangerous to have you two all bu yourselves in the wild."

"Well my love, we are very good at handling ourselves." I said.

"Your wife is correct, we are very independent and capable of protecting ourselves." Liz said.

"Our sister and your wife has a point brother. You would be making a mistake to underestimate either of them. I believe your wife is most likely a better warrior than you are as she has proven herself in battle." Sam said, both him and his father laughed. The men from the other tribe seemed surprised.

"Well of course I married a warrior queen and got her army with her brother. I think father was very please when I brought her to him and asked for his blessing to marry her." Corey said.

"That I was. I didn't think you would find a leaders daughter to marry without my help, and even then I wasn't sure we would ever find anyone who could keep you in line." His father said as he laughed.

"I have heard tales of your clan being filled with the best warriors, so much so that you can fight your way through the pass every year during migration." The head leader said.

"Well as humble as I wish to be the rumors aren't wrong. We do fight our way through the eastern passage every few years due to the migration of our herd, although I do wish there was a way around it so we didn't need to. This year my first horns sons wife and her people will be leading the way through. We decided it after she lead her people to stop an attack on our tribe. It was 10 against 30 or most men and they wine without any causalities on our side. I don't even recall any of them returning injured. They are very well trained warriors, there skills are the best I have ever seen and it's clear they have all been trained since they were very young." He said.

"Well I hope to never have to see her skills in person, but another part of me hopes to one day see them battle since you speak so highly of them. They must truly be incredibly warriors." My uncle said, it's weird to think that my uncle is the leader of this other tribe and he had no clue what I was capable of. Nobody ever did from my old tribe. It's like I'm a completely different person. Although all t other men there seemed to be suppressed by the words they had heard, but it makes sense. Most other tribes don't have women fight so it's not very common to find a women who can defend herself in a fight let alone a women who can lead raids, let alone lead men to a battle or war without having a man standing right next to her. Although they also understand that women are big in there decisions and understand politics, but it's always behind close doors and they only make this because they are high up in the tribe otherwise they wouldn't even know that much. Women normally support the man from the shadows, they aren't openly praised for being leaders in most occasions.

"I believe it's time for us to head back to our camp as well. Our women are alone and aren't as well versed in battle or self defense as your future head lady here and it's becoming darker out." My uncle said.

"Well we wouldn't want you to keep your women waiting, safe travels and we will see you tomorrow." Corey's father said and he shook my uncles hand.

With that the other tribe left our camp for the walk back to there camp.