The leader walked over to all of us and spoke. " everything is completely, stay quiet. I'm going to go over with the girls first then I will come back for the two of you. They will know we are here soon enough, and we can't risk the ceremony being compromised by Sam running into his soon to be wife right now, so I need you to stay in the tent. When I return knowing that your bride is in a separate place with your sister and soon to be sister in law then you will be brought over to meet the leaders and her family. Understood."

We all nodded. We knew what was meant of us right now. Sam got up and walked into the tent and sat down as we started to walk towards the other tribes camp. The walk was slow and we all stayed quiet as to not reveal where our camp was or that we were even there just yet. We finally made it and walked out into the open. That when even noticed us and stopped what they were doing.

A man walked over to us and said "welcome, you must be the leader of warrior tribe and these must be your daughters."

"Yes, this is my daughter Liz and my daughter-in-law Megan they are here to go with the woman my son with be marrying."

"Straight to business I see, take the girls to go see there soon to be sister-in-law. I assume your son is close by." The man said.

"Yes, he back at our camp waiting for my return to let him know it's safe for him to come here."

"He waited all the way over at your camp? Do you need help finishing setting it up because we can send some of our people over."

"It's completely finished, he's simply waiting to make sure that our customs our not broken and the ceremony has no chance of being tainted. He's very excited to meet his soon to be wife, but he's aware of the rules and that they cannot so much as see one another now that we have started the ceremony."

"Are your women aware of there part and the rituals?"

"No, I will leave that up to your head women to explain there part in it, since we all have slightly different procedures, but they do have general understanding of what will happen within the next four days."

"I will make sure my wife is aware of that then, although I'm sure she was going to go over it anyways."

"I can always give them more details tonight before they go to sleep." Coreys father said.

"Good then we shall begin, we can go with you to your camp to insure that the two are never in the same proximity with one another if you would like."

"I think that is a splendid idea, you may all follow me back then."

We followed my aunt into the tent. I recognize my aunt right away although neither my aunt or uncle recognized me. Even if they did he called me his daughter-in-law confirming that in the time I was away from them that I had gotten married. That meant even if they wanted to take me away they no longer had the right to as I belonged to my husband. The only thing they know about him though is that he is one of the leaders sons. This leaves me and Liz room to drop more hints about who he is and the power he hold before they truly think about making any move or make a real connection. I no longer look like a northern but I also don't look as if I'm from the east or west. It'll be easier for me to say I'm a northeastern since that makes it more likely that we would run into each other herds and make it so we would never run into one another as my aunts herd travels south to west so they don't run into the tribes unless they are strictly center east. It would be my best plan if I wished to remain undetected and keep my real identity a secret. That was my main priority while being in this camp. It has always been my main priority, always hiding who I truly am or more of what I am so I guess this should come easily since it's so natural to me now.

In the tent she lead us to was a beautiful young woman. She had long light colored hair with green eyes. She seemed out of it, she was very nervous and it was very clear to me. I noticed her eyes scanning the both of us and that's when I scanned her and noticed a few more things.

She was a little bigger than us, she wasn't in shape. So her boobs seemed smaller than ours since she wasn't in shape making it so they weren't as prominent as ours were. We also showed no nerves and held ourselves as a head women is expected to. We can't show nerves or fear publicly as we aren't meant to stay composed so when the people look to us we help keep them calm. It's just part of our responsibilities. Something she was going to have to learn, and she would have to get in shape as women have to help in our tribe not just cook and help clean and find berries. It's so much more than that where she is about to go.

"This is May. May, these are your soon to be sister-in-laws. I will leave you girls alone to talk for a little while. I'll be back when it's time for dinner than I'll explain more about the ceremony and what your roles will be and what is about to come in for the rituals." My aunt said and walked out of the room.

"I'm Liz, I'm you husbands sister."

"I'm Megan, I'm just your sister-in-law."

"It's nice to meet you both." She sounded nervous.

"You can relax, all we are here to do right now is get to know you and you can get to know us." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not good at hiding my nerves I guess, I didn't even realize it was noticeable."

"Well for those of us who know what it looks like makes it easy to see it. You will need to learn how to hide it." Liz said.

"Ok, I will try to do better." She said.

"Good, but I understand your nerves right now. I think anyone in your position would be. Although Liz is right I'm sure between the two of us we will be able to help you hide it when you speak and help you get ride of some of the other tendencies." I said.

"Thank you. How did you do get through it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I mean marrying someone you didn't know."

"Well that's a difficult and complicated answer." I said.

"She is engaged to the first born son of our tribe. She hasn't went through the rituals yet. She has a lot more rituals to go through. Meg is a very strong person and she has to prove herself to our people and fight off any other person who pursues my brother and win each battle otherwise she won't be able to marry him, but she will marry him at this next breading season. She left her home and has been proving herself for a while now." Liz said.

"You left everyone without anything being for sure."

"Yes, I love him and he loves me. I was lucky though and some of my people left to come with me but I left my tribe more than a year ago." I said.

"I don't think I could do that. I can barely even make it through knowing for a fact that I will be married and my status is confirmed. You are braver and stronger than I am." She said.

"I'm sure that's not true. You just don't know it yet." I said.

"Meg is right, you haven't ever had a something to fight for or a time to prove yourself to know what your capable of." Liz said.

May smiled at us. She seems a little less nervous now.