We aren't able to help Liz or Corey during this. We aren't supposed to interfere at all because we have to treat them just like anyone else in our clan. The first thing Zhanet and Leah did when they got here was go out and catch a horse. They didn't have wings and we didn't know if they had any kind of power and they were still injured but we let them do it themselves and stayed out of it because that's tradition. It's also the first testament saying that you are one of us, no matter how much I'd want to change it I can't because it's the way things are you have to prove yourself and there are only a few ways of doing that. Catching a horse, going into battle and hunting. That's how you prove yourself, I've hunted with Liz and Corey but Corey has already hunted with my entire clan. To them he's proven himself as a good hunter and to my brother as a protector, since he took me and kept me safe during the breeding season when I could of been killed. He hid me even though it could start a war and he could be killed, and he found out I was a dragon. Yet he protected me, that proved to my brother that he was loyal and the others in my clan know about what happened so he has some respect from them because of that. Although that doesn't mean he's proven himself to everyone he has all of there respect as he knew we were all dragons and he didn't tell anyone and even got us puppies to be able to use to help hunt and seem more human. Liz hasn't been around any of us long enough for her to of proven herself in anyway or to of actually gained anyone's respect. It's an awkward place to be but it is what happens when your new. I wonder if she feels like she's competing with Corey at all. After all we already know he might be a dragon and we don't know if she is or not. He will likely be able to shift which means he'll be able to us magic even if it's just basic but we don't know if there will be anything for Liz. I'm sure that has to get to her somewhat. I know it would me, but Corey was the first born and the future leader of the tribe so I'm sure Liz is used to competing with him for attention along with other things and never being in lime light. Her and Sam have always been in Coreys shadow as he's the next leader therefore he commands the people respect where as they are just pawns to be at there father whims. Corey choose me where Sam was told who he would marry and had no say in it and Liz was going to meet the same fate. It would be different if they were the mistresses children or maybe even if they were born first. They weren't though which meant Corey was always the most important of them as he had been raised from birth to be the next heir while Liz and Sam were raised to be supporting roles in his life and to back whatever he chose. How's the first time Liz has a choice in what happens to her and she's already starting out being in Coreys shadow just as she was before. Although here she will finally have the chance to change that but she won't ever be able to if she can't use magic and can't transform even if she can access her magic it will be hard to get out of Coreys shadow if she can't transform. She needs both to be able to truly step out of his shadow or she needs to be exceptional at magic and Corey needs to only be able to do the basics which is unlikely.

She has to prove that she can hold her own and can be trusted. That will be the first step for her to try and get out from his shadow without that there isn't any chance of leaving it or standing out. For her sake I hope she can start to step out of his shadow because it's an impossible and unfair task to try and live up to someone else. My adopted parents would sometimes compare me to their son who had died and others in the village, I was constantly competing to be the best so I would make them proud and it's draining. I'm sure Liz has been doing that all of her life. For the first time she won't have to do that anymore.