We got on the horses after Corey and Liz put on there cloaks. We road out towards where a herd of horses might be found.

"You are going to start today by catching a horse. Obviously you have a horse but they aren't good for battle or riding it makes you stand out to much as if your leaders that's why you have to get the same type of horses as us because if we get into a fight you don't want people going for you first because you will become the targets and your both weaker than any of us since you can't change. Also our horses better suit us and are more stable while your horses have been nervous and more skittish since they are around dragons if you haven't notice ours aren't and we caught them after we got here and it has nothing to do with living around dragons. This is the type of horses hybrids who can changed have used for centuries because they aren't skittish and even if they see another dragon in battle or while riding they don't fear them so it won't put you in danger. Unlike you horses who if they saw a dragon would likely to run the other direction, these horses have no fear of that and if your not scared of dragons what else is there that would spoke them." I explained.

"Why aren't they scared though? Shouldn't that be a natural instinct to run the other way?" Liz asked.

"It should be a natural instinct to run from a predator but because they have been used by hybrids for so many generations they see dragons flying around often so the natural fear of them isn't there anymore. They have been used by hybrids to battle other shifting hybrids and none shifting alike. There fear of battle is all but gone because of this and they also have less fear of fire although it is still there they aren't scared to jump through a fire when needed. There instincts also help run around where a dragon will breath fire as they anticipate it before it hits the ground, it's one of the good senses they have. They are also very loyal horses and because of there size they are a little slower than the horses you ride but they can also take things much easier, like your horses would likely fall if a person ran in front of them and was trying to attack where our wouldn't because of there size they are able to run through them and even if they take an arrow or two they will live because they are built bigger so there's more muscle to protect vital arteries. They also have seemed to adapt and have harder skin almost as if they are fire proof and can't get cut as easily by a sword like they have on armor and there hooves are sharper. It's all different adaptations that they have gained over the years since they were chosen by shifting hybrids and we are fire proof so in reality they could run through fire if needed as well they aren't fire proof though, they do have a fire resistant coat they can't be in fire for to long and it doesn't protect against strong fires like blue, purple, or white fire."

"So you choose well with horses than. Does it matter what color we catch?" Corey asked.

"No, any color will do the chestnut and brown colors are in greater abundance since they blend in more with the environment but there are also black or white or grey shades, now if you can find them is a different battle than catching them all together. You can't just walk up to them because they can kill you if you get kicked they also run very quickly, your horses are one of the fastest ones in the world but ours are able to keep up for the most part they are only a little slower. Which makes there size, speeds, and strength a deadly combination if your on the wrong side of it. You will have to put think the horse but luckily for you, your current horses work to your advantage. They are still fast then our even if it's only by a little which means there a chance to lasso them while on your horses because that will be easier. You can probably get them to run because they see another horse running and then all you have to do is lasso a horse and learn to ride with it because it will either except you or it won't. You just have to show your own strength and from there you will see if it'll except you."

"How do you guys catch them when you don't have horses?" Liz said.

"Well honestly we walk into the herd without threatening them and they choose to approach us because they can tell we are hybrids and from there the horse chooses us. That's to dangerous for you two though. Since you don't know how to use magic you aren't able to protect yourself if something would go wrong and they try to make you leave. You can't shift either to try and protect yourself because anytime we do this we are on guard because we know how temperamental they can be. The same qualities we are looking for as a rider should be the same qualities you are scared of while trying to catch one as there loyalty isn't to you yet, since they haven't excepted you." I said.

"Be aware they can kill as you have seen we aren't indestructible and can be killed by normal things as you would even though we have the ability to shift into our dragon forms if we aren't prepared to then it could be to late. Like what happened recently a stampede came and she wasn't on guard and then after a few had hit her she was able to transform because she was already to injured and these horses have sharper hooves than any cattle that we hunt." Nick said.