Magic takes time to learn and to teach but we don't have very much time right now. We will be migrating within the next two weeks and we are the ones leading everyone through the pass. The entire army will be returning so we will be leading hundreds of people through. That's not the issue though, the problem is that the pass is occupied by a military power. They aren't any laughing matter either not only do they have the high ground and they know the area since it's their home territory but from what my brother has said there are other dragons living on the mountain. That will be where the issues truly begin.

The sun rose, the night seemed to go by very quickly yesterday and as much as I wanted to lay in bed cuddling with Corey we truly had no time to waste. We needed to start training them. That is the only way they will make it through the pass if dragons attack. They need to at least know magic of some sort to help protect themselves and they need to know how to fight like we do. Even if they don't have the same speed and strength just knowing our strategy and techniques will help put them at a different advantage against humans. They also need to go catch a new horse for themselves. Now explaining all of this will be a different story for them when it comes to what they need to know and don't already. I got out of bed quietly and go dressed for the day. What I put on was training gear. It's tight pants that cover my legs but is a breathable fabric, it has one sheer line going completely around my thigh and one around my calf, they are about 5 in wide lines. Then my white shirt, it's a tank top that only goes 4-5 inches underneath my boob so it shows my stomach then I grabbed my thin black cloak. We would have them put on a cloak as well but there would be a dark brown since they were in training still.

"Time to get up, I'm going to wake up your sister. Wear something appropriate to excursive in. Meet us over at the stables in 5 minutes." I said.

Then I left and went to get Liz so she could get ready.

"Liz time to wake up, make sure to wear something comfortable to workout in. Today's going to be a long day for you, but meet us at the stables in 5 minutes or we'll leave without you." I said.

"Ok I'll be there in a few just let me get dressed." Liz said.

I walked over to Nicks hut to wake him up because he would be joining us but he was already awake. He smiled and came out he had on grey shorts that covered his caves and a shirt that zipped up that he had unzipped so it showed his stomach but there light materials. Then he threw on his black cloak as well. We walked over to the new members hut. Two of them were already dressed and out with a bag waiting for us. They wore light grey pants and shirts like I had on. There cloaks were dark grey and looked just a shade or two lighter than the black cloaks we had on. The two who were joining us today names are Leah and Zhanet. They are the ones closest to our clan. They have done a lot with our clan since they joined and they took care of my dogs while I was gone.

"Hey, we pack lunch for us." Zhanet said.

"Thanks, let's head to the stable now." I said.

"Ok." Leah said.

We went and got our horses ready while waiting for Liz and Corey. We also go the horses they brought ready. There horses are beautiful but they aren't practical they stand out on the battle field and aren't as calm and can get frightened easier as they already show discomfort just from being around a group of dragons. Cory and Liz finally arrived.

"What are we doing today?" Corey asked as Nick handed them both the cloaks they are going to wear.

"Put on the cloaks and I'll explain as we go." I said.