After setting up camp we practiced as normal and sat around the fire carful not to be to loud, so we would attract to much attention. I had news to share, but I wasn't going to tell anyone until we made it to the other side. Liz and Emma already knew, as did Ian. They had notice the signs, I was getting sick in the morning and when I smelled certain things and tired more easily. I had tried my best to hide it. They knew as well as I did and were keeping my secret, but they were just as excited as I was. They kept an eye on me. I went in the tent and laid down for the night. I fell asleep quickly as it would be my turn for watch change around midnight and I had grown tired from riding all day, and from using my abilities to help set up camp had exhausted me.

I was woke up before the shift change by screaming outside. I was still in a haze but I could smell blood. I heard so many people and there were smells that weren't normal. It wasn't just humans but something else, it was almost similar to Corey and his fathers scent. It was more overwhelming than either of there's though. Liz ran into my tent to grab me. I was already in the process of getting up and grabbing my sword and bow.

I stepped out with Liz and saw smoke and fire. It was chaos, tents we had sent up on fire. There was blood and bodies on the ground. Not just from the people who had ambushed up but bodies of our own as well. Zhanet turned to say something to me as she saw us come out but then she hit the ground. She didn't even get a sound out. One of them that had a weird smell about them had cut threw her with his sword. It was as if he wasn't even trying. I had never seen a dragon fall so easily. Even in our human forms our skin is thicker and harder to cut through, but these people with weird smells seemed to be able to do it without any issues. It was a blood bath. I shot an arrow through the man who had killed Zhanet.

We fought for what felt like hours on the cliff and I watch my family fall and die one by one. For everyone we seemed to kill, it felt like 2 more would appear. We were outnumbered. I made a decision.

I transformed and blew my flames. I became the main target. My brother and family was dead and my fire burnt the enemy and everything it touched.

Whit fire is the hottest fire and I never used it because even dragons can be burnt by it.

I could smell the burning flesh and pain all over my body from there spears and arrows. An overwhelming sadness also sat heavy in my chest. We had one, but at what cost. I transformed back into my human form. Corey and Liz were both still alive. They were by the cliff, Liz was farther away from Corey they stood on opposite sides of the cliff. Liz was on the ground wounded holding Nick in her arms on her lap. Corey was still standing and was walking towards Liz. He stopped when he saw me back in human form struggling to my way over to him. He walked over to me and let me use him as a crutch. We walked over to the cliff and we're heading towards Liz and Nick, when he stopped. I felt something sharp dig into my side as we stopped and Corey drew me into his arms and kissed me. And I felt another sharp stabbing pain fall into my back.

"Sorry love, but I can't have you around if I wish to rule." Corey whispered into my ear. I pushed myself away from him breaking the grip he had on me as he stabbed a dagger into my chest and pushed me off the cliff. I heard Liz scream and as I was falling I saw her running over to us. It felt like forever after i hit the air. I knew there wasn't enough time to transform and even if I did I was to injured to be able to do anything. I saw the dagger laying in my chest and it was one from those who had been attacking us.

He didn't even use his own dagger it was one he had grabbed off someone he killed, or maybe one he taken out of the bodies of one of my murdered family.

I felt myself hit the water and I was surrounded by a cold feeling as if I've had surrounded me. I couldn't breath and saw bubbles from my air escaping my body mixed with the blood spilling out from my wounds and mixing with the freezing water. I didn't have the strengths to try and swim back up, my body wouldn't move. I saw everything getting blurrier and darker as I sank into the ocean. I felt my chest get heavier as water started to fill my lungs.

I had lead my family into a trap, and trusted Corey. I thought he loved me but that love ended up being our death. I don't know if Liz was a part of it or if she was as clueless as I was, or if she would become a victim of her brothers betrayal and lies as well. All I knew is that I deserved what was happening. To have my resting place be at the bottom of the ocean where nobody could find me and where I wouldn't be able to find peace in the afterlife with my family. I had let my love blind me. I had ignored the signs he had shown of jealousy and resentment, they came out so clear when he couldn't learn magic and Liz did. Everything I should of known and caught, but instead I choose to love and trust him. Like a fool.

I should of remembered and listen to what my mother and uncle said, "never trust anyone blindly family is all you have in this life. They will never betray you."

They warned me how dangerous love and blindly trusting others could be. Even my adoptive parents tried to protect me and teach me not to trust others. They all tried to teach me how cruel and unfair this world can be and how wicked people can be. Maybe if I had just listened to them. If I hadn't snuck out and hadn't left to join Corey. Would we of been able to be safe. I wouldn't of meant my family likely, but then maybe they would still be alive, I would of had to marry someone else and I would of continued to feel alone. I would of been ok with paying that price if I had known then what I know now.

As my child's father just sentenced the both of us to a cold painful death in these dark icy waters. Leaving our bodies to be eaten by fish. I remember once wish I could have a family with him and dreaming of how wonderful it would be. I was so excited when I had figured out I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to tell everyone but it wasn't the right time and now the right time will never happen.

After today I realized I likely wouldn't of been a good mother anyways, I wouldn't of been able to protect my child just like I couldn't do what I needed to and protect my family. It's probable better that he or she was never born. They won't be able to feel the pain of dying or any of the pain that is brought to those who enter this world.