Chapter 20 The Peculiar Li Descendant

The morning sun was incredibly blinding, especially as it shone directly through Li Tian's bedroom window. Out of every room in the entire house, his family had purposely positioned the room where he slept in the direction where the sun rose every morning. There were blinds installed, but he didn't think to close them up the night before. He would know better this time.

The sleepy young man stretched in bed and sat up groggily. "What time is it..."

"It is currently 7 a.m. A car will come to pick you up by 8 a.m.," Silas answered promptly.

7 a.m. huh...

Li Tian slowly got up from the bed and went to wash his face. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, he looked absolutely horrible. He had slept without even trying to get the gunk out of his hair, resulting in the bird's nest he was currently witnessing before him. A shower should do trick right?

He would shower a little later before heading out.

He wasn't used to handling so many things. From juggling identities and personalities, to worrying about revenge on a runaway and going to school.

Why did he have to go to school in the first place anyway? He was just supposed to be a singer and a spoilt rich young master. He would just sing and do whatever he wanted without a care in the world. Someone else could take care of the details.

If Yijun and the rest didn't ruin it for him, he wouldn't have had so much backlash to deal with.

At times like these, he would usually go for a jog in the Li Estate, but unfortunately, he wasn't in the Li Estate.

They did, however, set up a mini gym in one of the rooms for his exercise.

Li Tian finished washing his face and brushing his teeth before he headed towards the gym room. The room itself was quite wide and had a complete set of gym equipment made for training every part of his body. On the opposite side of the entrance was the penthouse's signature wall of windows, where one could have another view of Bellrose Town.

He decided to do a few rounds of exercise lasting thirty minutes before heading into the shower. It felt good to keep his mind off things like this. Freeing himself from the disgusting hardening gel in his hair was also refreshing.

Soon, he would be able to go out as Li Tian, and NOT Li Xiaolang. Being able to just be yourself was invigorating.

He walked into the closet, which had two different areas; the left area filled with his usual high-end designer clothes, and the right filled with absolute monstrosities. From tacky oversized hoodies, flannel shirts, sweatshirts, baggy jeans, and ugly trousers, it had everything he WOULDN'T want to wear in public.

Rolling his eyes at the right side, he picked a nicely ironed out white dress shirt and a black pair of designer jeans. After putting on his clothes and matching them with a Jacob & Co. timeless watch, he finished up by blowdrying his damp hair.

There was practically no use in combing the lion mane and blowdrying it would just leave it all the more poofy. But it was better than leaving it wet.

With five minutes left to spare until 8 o'clock, he grabbed a few more things and headed for the door. Just as he was about to grab the handle, his phone rang.


It was Li Meilin, of course. Who else would call him before work?

"Hey," he answered.

"Good morning, Xiaolang. Did you have a good rest? The car will be there in five minutes," Meilin spoke normally.

"Uh, yeah. I was just on my way out. Why are you calling me Xiaolang, by the way?" he asked with a little bit of apprehension. He instinctively stopped himself from walking out of his front door. "I thought I work today."

There was a momentary pause before a frustrated groan continued after.

"Seriously!?" Meilin held herself from cursing. She was currently in a public space and had difficulties in expressing her actual emotions. Excusing herself from being too close to people, she found a remote corner and tried speaking softly into the phone. "Whenever you are NOT at work, you will always be XIAOLANG!"

"Well I work today don't I??" he clicked his tongue and answered back.

"But are you at fudging work yet, you dense moron!?"

Li Tian's eyes slowly widened. "You don't mean..."

"That penthouse is going to be your home in the North. You are not EVER to leave or come back to that place other than as LI XIAOLANG. Do you understand me??" Meilin scolded him full of frustration. "Now be down and ready by the time the car gets there!"


Li Tian dazedly stared at the phone before noticing the time on screen.



Quentin had started working as a driver for the Li Clan since last year.

His family, like many other originally non-native Huaxian families, had migrated to the country many years ago. He was already the third generation since the move, born and raised under the Huaxian flag.

It wasn't uncommon now in the modern age where race was slowly fading and nationality became the main thing people used to identify themselves as. Mixed races were in abundance now anyways. He himself was a quarter of the Huaxian race.

Language barriers became practically nonexistent since the universal language was set in every country many years ago after the World Misconception War. Previous languages were now history and only taught in schools to preserve them.

Most used the ancient language for naming purposes as it gave a sort of flare to them.

The Northern Goddess, Yingxue, had a name that complemented her well. She was a snow flower, beautiful and divine.

Quentin then thought to the Li Clan's famous Li Tian, a person whose name one could never forget. How could they? The name was without a doubt one of the most arrogant ones out there. However, it as expected of the dominant Li Clan.

Tian meant the heavens, as if the person would encompass the world itself in his grasp. The question was, could he? The name came with obvious expectations.

He shook his head at the clan's pride. Although he worked for them, he was still a Northern Huaxian and his bet would always be on Yingxue, the Goddess of the North.

Quentin checked his watch and saw the hand slowly changed to 8:05 a.m.


A Li Clan member was never late before, at least none he had worked for thus far.

He was given a completely new task lately where he would be the driver of a Li Clan offspring from the South. All in all, he knew nothing about the kid besides he had to drive him to and from the Li Corporation Northern Branch and even school later on. Anything else was up to his new passenger.

He understood that the Li Clan mainline originated from the South and odds are, the kid that he would chauffeur must be someone of importance if he needed a driver as well. He deduced the kid to be one of the high ranking member's descendants and would most likely be one of those typical snobbish brats. Not to mention the apartment the kid was staying at was definitely a penthouse building.

He wouldn't have assumed such if he hadn't known the age but finding out the boy was only seventeen? He was still a teenager! What teenager would have such authority unless it was a rich man's spoilt child?

He watched as the time slowly ticked down and shook his head again at his new client's tardiness.

Just as he was sighing to himself, he noticed someone rush out from the building entrance. Noticing it was just some nerdy youngster in an oversized hoodie and baggy jeans, he ignored him and stared at his watch again.

Suddenly, the car's backdoor was opened and the nerd entered.

"What the? You-" he turned around to see the kid sitting down unaffectedly while taking out his phone to check something. He noticed there was also a slight pant in his breath as if he had just run all the way here. The age seemed about right. Not taking any chances, he asked, "Master Xiaolang?"

The young man looked at him with a raised eyebrow and spoke in an extremely soft-spoken voice, "Yes...?"

Trying to hide his absolute shock, Quentin forced out a smile and introduced himself, "I am Tateos Quentin, your driver in the North. Please tell me if you need anything."

The eccentric Li Clan descendant merely nodded his head so Quentin returned to the wheel and put the car in drive.

It was a completely silent and peaceful cruise, something the driver wasn't expecting at all. He glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time to see the teenager just stare out the window or look at his phone. He had been near Li Clan members for quite a while and none of them acted, speak nothing of dressing, like the man behind him.

Some were arrogant, others professional, but at the very least they gave off a sense of luxury and class. He felt no such thing from the person behind him. Heck, the words on his hoodie were 'I Donut Care' with a literal donut in it! What sane rich person would wear such a tacky thing??

The young man he was serving now couldn't be from the bottom of the barrel, could he? Then how would he have a driver in the first place?

Maybe it would be good to strike a conversation. They were running a little late but he knew a shortcut through town.

"Is it your first time in North Huaxia, Master Xiaolang?" he asked politely but with a tinge of friendliness.

Moments passed before he got a short and soft, "Yeah."

"Well I've lived in Lunar City all my life and know it like the back of my hand," Quentin announced proudly. "Even Bellrose Town is fairly familiar. If there's anywhere you would like to go or know about, just ask."

The young man behind him reacted by only gave a slight nod before resuming his staring into space.

𝘑𝘦𝘦𝘻 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘓𝘪... he thought to himself.

He drove past the peaceful Town of Bellrose and entered the busy streets of Lunar City. Tall skyscrapers started to loom around them intimidatingly, a glaring sight for any newcomer. He might have even noticed a change in expression in his silent passenger.

Soon they reached the city center where a tall rotating skyscraper magnificently stood, a significant beast in comparison to the buildings surrounding it. And if it weren't obvious enough, the giant words, 'Li Corporation' were forged and welded at the top of the monstrosity.

They had taken approximately thirty minutes to get there, just in time.

Quentin used the private entrance where he could drive into the building's private porte-cochere and parking. After reaching the designated area, he put the gear in neutral and glanced through the rearview mirror again. Usually, he would go out and open the door for his patronage but he had gotten strange instructions this time around. He was told to never open the door for his passenger, especially in the public eye.

He didn't have to worry much as the teen immediately opened the door and left him without, unsurprisingly, saying anything. The driver himself not able to get out the words, 'Have a good day!' in time before the young lad disappeared through the entrance.

Quentin shrugged and drove the car to his specified parking space not too far away. He had to stay in the vicinity until his next call or errand so until then, he was basically free.

He took out his mini tablet from a compartment and opened the recent news updates, most on the Li Clan's movements. As an employee, he had to keep himself up to date with his employers.

Most were business-related, as usual, but as he scrolled down, a few with intriguing titles began to surface.

'The Li Clan's Youngest Heir Expanding His Influence North!'

'Li Tian Making His Way Into Superstar Yingxue's Territory!'

'A Sudden Move From Southern Hearthrob - Pyros Speculate His Decision.'

He pressed on one and scanned through its contents. There wasn't much revealed regarding the details, specifically, the why's and the when's, but there was much in terms of rumors. Some were more believable, like producing a song here, a publicity stunt, or even a possible duet with Yingxue, but others were downright outlandish.

There was a rumor that he was kicked out of the Li Clan! There was no way such a thing could happen. That was a well known trillion dollar family! Image was a big deal! Not to mention this was 𝘓𝘪 𝘛𝘪𝘢𝘯 they were talking about. A famous Huaxian singer!

You don't just kick someone that high profile out and keep it a secret. If anything, he must be up North for his music.

Regardless, an heir of the Li Clan coming North was a big deal in the business world. After all, he wasn't the 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 heir. Now whether he really was here for his profession or to contend in the business industry, only the Clan was privy to it. Or maybe just the Li 𝘍𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺...

He knew a few things, but it wasn't something a trivial driver like Quentin could pry into. He continued to scroll through the news articles minutes later, many more mentioning the Li Clan heir coming North when a sudden movement in his mirror caught his eye.

He glimpsed at the moving object and realized it was a luxurious black diamond Rolls Royce, something only someone with extreme superiority in the Li Clan would use, pull up into the porte-cochere.

He turned his head to look behind him and get a better look but even after stopping at the drop-off area, no one came out of the car. It must mean that it was waiting for someone instead.

"Who could it be...?" he mumbled to himself.

He didn't have to wait long before a figure the entire Huaxia Nation would recognize walked out of the shimmering glass doors.

In his trademark messy chocolate brown hair and designer leather jacket, THE Li Tian had appeared before his eyes. All the young heir did was walk, but he radiated an aura of absolute dominance, and coupled with his exceptional good looks, he looked like a deity come to life.

Probably feeling his gaze full of awe, the Li Clan heir turned his head in Quentin's direction, causing the driver to hurriedly sit back properly in his seat and make himself invisible.

After what seemed like forever, he peeked behind his seat again to see the diamond black car had disappeared.

"The Clan's main family line really gives off a different feeling..." he muttered.
