Chapter 21 Fine Specimen

"Sometimes I wonder if your common sense is mentally flawed."

Li Tian tried to hide his embarrassment by lowering his head but there was no use before his cousin manager. "Shut up."

Meilin shrugged in the driver's seat and ignored his obvious annoyance. As a Li, her cousin knew better than to be tardy. He made a big mistake but it wasn't intentional. "Luckily your driver is good at navigating through the streets. You made it just in time. The studio we're heading to is close by as well."

The young singer grumbled to himself before asking, "Today's just the photoshoot, right?"

"You have two photoshoots today at different studios with lunch in between. Which reminds me," Meilin took something out of her breast pocket and handed it to the young man behind her. "Your work credit card."

Li Tian received it with starry eyes and held it like it was his baby.

"Don't forget to return it to me before getting back home," she gazed at him intensely from the rearview mirror.

"I know. I know."

"Uhuh..." Meilin took a left turn into a small studio not even ten minutes away from Li Corp. She wasn't too worried about Li Tian but being in the North, there was one thing, or person, that she knew would bother him. "Be on your best behavior and DON'T let your emotions get the better of you."

Li Tian looked at her stern expression in the mirror and rolled his eyes. "I've been undercover as Xiaolang a while already. I'm perfectly capable of keeping my emotions in check even as myself now."

"We'll see..."

As soon as they entered the parking area of the studio, a young lady with round glasses and a clipboard waved at them politely before pointing at an empty parking space near the entrance.

She must be their escort for the photoshoot.

Meilin parked the car expertly and climbed out first. Immediately, she was greeted by the somewhat nervous face of the escort. It wasn't something she was unused to.

"Good morning, Miss Li Meilin," the young woman said politely. She hid the nervousness from her voice well. "I'm responsible for your day at the shoot. Please call me, Chen."

"Good morning, Chen. Hopefully we can get through it quickly and without problems," Meilin replied in tandem.

"Yes, of course! Things should finish rather smoothly. We-... We..."

Li Tian had finally gotten out of the car, and his very appearance distracted the young lady more than she thought he could. Her words had stopped in her throat.

She had no idea how good looking the man actually was up close. Not only was he handsome, but he also carried a disposition of absolute power and style. Although the singer was many years young than her, she couldn't help being at a loss for words with him suddenly standing so close to her.

"You were saying?" Meilin cut off her sudden daydreaming.

"Ah! A-apologies..." she said embarrassedly and looked down at her clipboard. "The crew is ready for you. Please, come this way."

Chen brought the two into the building, past security, and towards the photoshoot set. There were cameras, lighting, backdrops, a variety of props, and even a small table full pastries.

As they arrived, and Li Tian brought to the changing room, another photoshoot was taking place not too far away on a different set at the same time.

A pair of models with slender legs and perfectly shaped breasts were doing their best in showing their good sides to the camera.

"That's enough for now girls!" the photographer checked his camera and decided.

"Already? You sure you got my best side?"

"And mine? This angle is definitely better."

The girls questioned him, causing the photographer to get slightly annoyed. A model was not to question their photographer unless they had some backing to their name and good reason. Without it, it would be rude.


"Say something like that again and maybe I'll use someone else."

The girls were stunned and hastily apologized to him. With their egos slightly bruised, they returned to the main dressing room, shared by all inconsequential models.

"What was his problem..." the younger of the models grumbled.

The older one was also just as pissed off but held her tongue. They were in a place where they weren't necessarily alone.

A few other models suddenly joined them in the dressing room, gossiping to themselves.

"Did you get to see him?"

"I saw him as he entered the building! Oh my god he was drop-dead gorgeous!"

"I need me some of that..."

"He's way out of your league, idiot."

"Doesn't mean I still can't seduce him. Getting his attention would mean the biggest backer in Huaxia!"

The older of the two girls immediately became intrigued by the new arrivals' conversation. A strong backer? Getting attached to one of those would help boost her popularity terribly! Not to mention getting away with whatever she wanted. She butted herself in unceremoniously. "Hey, who are you guys talking about?"

"Trish! That's a senior..." the younger of the two whispered anxiously.

Seeing a newbie talking so brazenly at them, the group of women became irritated. With raised eyebrows at the intrusion, one of them asked, "Who the fuck are you?"

The older one introduced themselves, "I'm Trish, and this is Ari. Now can I have an answer?"

It was their stage name of course. No one used their real traditional names when in the industry. Ari stood behind Trish in confusion at the exchange. What was Trish doing? Usually she wasn't so abrupt and daring. These were veteran models!

"Uhuh. I see... Trish and Ari, is it..."

The group of models began to snigger amongst themselves as they surrounded the two girls.

"You're lacking manners don't you think? Talking to your seniors like that." The leader began cracking her knuckles.

"W-what do you mean? I just asked a question. Isn't it rude not to answer instead," Trish stood her ground. Wanting to know who they were talking about had gotten the better of her judgement.

It didn't help the situation one bit. With a slightly livid expression, the model in front of her punched her in the stomach, HARD. She was considerate enough not to bruise the face, but leaving a mark on the tummy just before the summer was a close second.

Trish grabbed her stomach and groaned in pain. Her legs had given out as she slid down onto the floor shamefully. She wanted to lash out but she had come to her senses and knew it would just make things worse.

This was how models naturally were. Arrogant.

Even she and her colleague, Ari, looked down on others that they felt lower than them. They were no different to each other. Ari went to grab her friend up and glared at the group surrounding them.

"Listen here, amateurs," the model in the lead declared proudly. "I'll give you some advice and a small warning. I know what you're thinking. The man that has blessed us with his presence is someone untouchable even to us. As for sluts like you, don't even dare think about coming close to him. You aren't worth his time. And another thing, disrespect your seniors again and next time... it'll be your face."

The older models walked of proudly, giggling at the misfortune of two nobodies.

"What a bunch of bitches!" Ari cursed angrily. However, this was the reality of the world they were in, especially if they were nameless. Yet, had she been remotely known, she would have definitely acted the same way towards her own juniors.

The fallen model stood up slowly as she glared in the direction of her attacker. "Let's go, Ari."

"Where we going?"

"Where else?" she smiled wickedly. "We're going to go seduce a big backer."


"How will we even know what he looks like? They didn't even mention his name," Ari asked confusedly.

They hadn't changed out of their outfits yet as they made their way across a few sets.

"Just keep your eye out for some big shot. It must be some old millionaire looking guy," Trish explained as she scoured the area.

"I don't wanna seduce some old guy."

"That's how you climb up this industry, Ari. Now shut up and search."

After going around a while, they entered an area that was obviously set up differently than the other sets in the studio. It seemed more expensive and well-taken care of. The pastry table was a good sign that someone important was here.

Moreover, there was also more crew than usual, and even a few security guards roaming around. The man they were searching for must be on this set.

The two of them snuck behind the small crowd watching the procedures and eavesdropped onto the conversations going on. Maybe one of the people watching was the man they were looking for.

"They weren't exaggerating on his good looks were they," one of the onlookers said appreciatively.

"For real. He beats most of the models here. Not to mention he's only seventeen."

Trish listened in but to her, it was just a conversation on a model. It could have been a newbie they were scouting for all she cared. She tried peeking at the faces of the onlookers but it was difficult to do it without getting caught. She wasn't exactly part of the shoot. There were probably restrictions on them being here.



"B-but Trish..."

"What??" she hissed between her teeth.

"Look over there..." Ari pointed to the main focus of the set, where a young man was posing effortlessly before the camera.

She was irritated at the distraction at first, but the moment Trish laid her eyes onto the fine specimen, a lump was caught in her throat, and her heart began to thump wildly. The sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on in her life was standing within ten meters away from her wearing a half unbuttoned shirt, and knee-length shorts. The man was bewitchingly revealing his healthy tan skin and heavenly sculpted muscles under the thin layer of clothing. It was enough to make any woman feel hot. But the most seductive part wasn't his body. It was the sharp eyes piercing straight through one's soul, and the trademark messy chocolate brown hair that hung above them.

There was no way she didn't know this person. It couldn't be...

The voice of a man beside her continued speaking, "It's no surprise for him to be this perfect. He isn't only a famous singer after all. He's an heir to the most powerful clan in all of Huaxia."

It was the Li Tian.


Posing was trivial to Li Tian. Was there really a bad angle to him? He didn't think so.

He moved in every position that felt natural and just let the camera take the shots. The photographer allowed him to take the initiative on what he wanted and he didn't hold back on giving his opinions either. If it were any other model, such treatment was unheard of without substantial influence.

A few dress changes and photoshoots later, he walked towards the pastry table and grabbed a well-earned bagel. He had a huge urge to steal a bunch of them to take home due to his measly allowance but his pride didn't allow such a thing.

Meilin was off chatting with a few of the producers and left him to handle himself but even if he was left alone, he could feel the many eyes on him.

He had become more aware of people's stares, and the meaning behind them. For now, most were work-related, a few filled with jealousy, and some were resentment. He ignored them. At this point he couldn't be bothered to deal with people as long as they didn't bother to deal with him.

However, he could feel some with bad intentions close by. He understood what they felt like now due to his spiteful experiences.

"Excuse me, Li Tian," their escort, Chen from earlier, walked up to him. "I brought the hot cocoa you asked for."

She looked nervous whenever she had to deal with him but who could blame her. He had huge charm and most people, women especially, couldn't help but be enamored. She, at least, knew where to draw the line and keep it within work ethics.

Li Tian grabbed the cup, took a small whiff, and downed the entire cup in a few gulps. The heat from the liquid barely affected him. Tasting the delicious chocolate, he couldn't help but give an appreciative smile. Who knew North chocolate tasted so good.

Seeing the sudden curl to his lips caused Chen to blush to herself and look away. She was meant to be a professional but for some reason she couldn't keep her calm in the young man's presence. He surely felt way older than he actually was.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" she asked politely.

The young man still had the half unbuttoned shirt on, and it was difficult not to look at his revealed chest but surprisingly, Chen managed to keep her eyes up. This wasn't someone she could randomly desire or ravage with her eyes unnecessarily. Not to mention he was too young for her.

"Hmmm," he took another bite from his bagel and looked around the set. "There should be nothing left to do right?"

"Oh! In terms of photoshoots, yes, we should have finished," she answered as she checked her clipboard. She then peeked at him embarrassedly before continuing, "Actually... If you don't mind, many of the crew were hoping to hear a song from you."

"You want me to sing?" he paused his chewing and raised an eyebrow. How random were these people to suddenly ask him to sing? Wasn't this just supposed to be a photoshoot? How friendly did these Northerners think he was.

Apparently his reaction wasn't something the escort had expected, which was even more bizarre to the singer. Did singers in the North sing whenever they were asked to?

"Ah, it was just a small request. It's not something you're obligated to do if it's inconvenient," Chen quickly followed up anxiously. She didn't want to end up offending him in any way. "As Northerners, many of us have never heard you sing live and were curious. They must have gotten used to Yingxue agreeing to sing every time she was in for a shoot. I apologize."

"Cough, cough!" her reasoning nearly made him choke on his bagel.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵? 𝘠𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘹𝘶𝘦? His competitive spirit flared.

Li Tian cleared his throat and flipped his hair back gracefully. Of course there was no use to it as it just fell back to its original place, but it wasn't meant as a fix. It was to leave an impression. He gave a riled up smile.

"I never said no. I'll sing."
