The Announcement [2]

"Fuck! Miyeon, you are really hilarious! How do you seem to mess up like that everytime? I don't even know why everyone calls you talented at this point," Hyungwon stated.

Laughs escaped from his mouth while he continued to mock Miyeon. Getting annoyed by Hyungwon, Miyeon raised her leg and stepped on his foot.

An 'ouch' escaped from Hyungwon's mouth. Despite of that, he began to laugh, and raising his hand, he wiped away the tears which formed at the corner of her eyes.

"If it was not for that dumb aunt of mine placing such an incantation on my wand, do you really think that I would have messed up?" Miyeon said.

"Sure, sure, blame it on your dumb aunt, but all of us know the actual reason behind it. You are too incompetent, Miyeon," Hyungwon voiced out.

"You Bastard, I have no problem in turning into a toad now," she spoke out, "Don't you remember about how I turned your nose to that resembles a pig's earlier."

The three of them— Hyungwon, Miyeon, and Hyunjin— walked through the empty hallway of the Academy. During the entire walk, Hyungwon and Miyeon kept on bantering while Hyunjin silently stared at the floor as he continued to move forward.

As if noticing something, Hyungwon turned to face Hyunjin, and placing his hand around Hyunjin's shoulder, he said, "What's the matter with you today? You are awfully quiet. I mean, you are always more or less quiet, but it seems more today."

"It's nothing," Hyunjin vocalised, "I was merely thinking about some random matters."

"Geez! You are really weird. I never am able to figure out what you are thinking of. Miyeon and I are like an open book. On the other hand, you are a complete enigma," he stated, "If you were not considered to be the weakest, that would have worked as an appeal for you."

"What enigma? You all really have creative imagination. I don't even know what creature I am," Hyunjin spoke out.

"Are you really sure that you don't know what creature you're? Could it be that you know what you are, but you are purposely hiding the truth from us? There could be a possibility of that as well," Hyungwon voiced out.

Raising her hand, Miyeon slapped the back of his head and said, "What do you mean that Hyunjin is hiding something from us? You already know how this is a sensitive topic for us yet you say it out like that."

Then, tilting her head slightly to stare at Hyunjin, Miyeon flashed him a wide smile and voiced out, "Hyunjin, you will be telling us if you know what creature you are, right?"

Min Hyunjin nodded.

Min Hyunjin halted in his steps at that moment, and the two of them continued to walk forward without noticing Hyunjin's actions.

"They were right when they say you are too good to be here, Miyeon," Hyungwon spoke out, "You will be kicked out of here if you can not be more evil."

"Look who is talking. You are too weak to be at here," Miyeon retorted.

"I am surprised that you have not told anyone about this yet. Do you really despise it that much?"

Hearing that voice, Min Hyunjin turned his head back to look at that direction. A man wearing a dark cloak was leaning against the wall, and while folding his arms against his chest, he raised his head.

At that instant, his eyes flashed black, and his appearance did not faze Hyunjin. An ice-cold expression covered Hyunjin's face.

"Tonight, at the usual place," the man spoke out.

Without giving him any type of response, Hyunjin turned his back on the man and began to walk forward. That's when, a sharp pain went through his forehead. Nevertheless, he did not let that to stop his step.

"That attitude of yours— you need to change that, and grow up. You have to accept the truth sooner or later," the man said.

Min Hyunjin ignored his presence, and as a sigh left that man's mouth, he disappeared into the thin air.

As if finally noticing Hyunjin's presence, his friends turned back and stared at him confused.

Hyungwon then spoke out, "Why are you walking that slowly? Could it be that you are sick? That would explain why you are acting that weirdly."

"I was merely wondering on how to quieten that mouth of yours, Hyungwon; it seems that you talk way too much recently," Hyunjin retorted.

Those words that left Hyunbin's mouth managed to shock him, and the astonished reaction from Miyeon and Hyungwon was expected after this.

"Hyunjin, you…" Miyeon stated.

"I will be skipping the classes today," Hyunjin vocalised before turning his back on them and starting to walk away.

Throbbing pain began to go through his head, and squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to hold in the pain. Miyeon and Hyungwon both tried to stop Hyunjin, but he had walked away before they had the chance to do anything.