The announcement [3]

Holding on to the knob of the door, Min Hyunjin turned it and stepped into the room before him. The air within the room was somewhat heated.

Inside the office was a cozy atmosphere, and behind a desk was a boy seated. The age of the boy did not seem to be anything more than eighteen.

The boy continued to keep writing on the paper before him and showed no acknowledgement to Hyunjin's presence. Instead of seeming irked by that, Hyunjin placed on a nonchalant expression on his face.

To the left of the room was couple of couches, and Hyunjin took the initiative to walk in that direction. Plopping down on the couch behind him, he crossed his legs and leaned against the back of the couch.

Closing his eyes tightly, he tried to concentrate his mind into something. However, his mind was utterly blank. Regardless of how much effort he put into it, he could not bring himself to be attentive to something.

The boy let out a sigh, and placing down his pen on the table beside the documents, he stood up. While his chair was pushed back, he strided towards Hyunjin.

Standing before the boy— who had his eyes closed— he folded his arms over his chest and commented, "You are here early today. However, you do realize that there is no use in doing so."

Without opening his eyelids, he answered, "I know, but it is persisting. Therefore, this is the only place I could be at without exposing myself. Just let me be at here, Han Seokhyun."

Han Seokhyun scoffed. Nevertheless, amusement crossed his black eyes, making them appear more appealing.

He then expressed, "Does your friends know that you are this big of a rude jerk? Is the office of the student council president you can visit whenever you wish? You can really get into a trouble for this."

Opening his eyes slightly, Hyunjin ran his fingers through his hair, and a bored expression settled on his face. His countenance displayed how he treated this to a trivial matter.

"Are you done? I never expected the student council president to be such a leisurely person," he vocalised— his tone being domineering.

"You are really a different person in front of me. Those who look down upon you will immediately cower if you show this side of yours. I don't even know how they take you to be some timid boy," Seokhyun verbalised.

"You are irritating, Han Seokhyun," Hyunjin voiced out before closing his eyes.

Shutting down his eyes would not do anything to the throbbing pain which was permeating through his entire head or his flickering eye colour.

The suffocating feeling within him was getting too difficult for him to control at this point. However, this challenging aspect of this brought thrill to him.

Countless times Hyunjin wanted to check what his limit was, and gradually, it seemed that his limit was increasing. Although it was a wishful thinking at his part now, maybe one day he will be able to live on without that part of his one day.

"This time was really dangerous for you," Seokhyun said, "You know the dangers to it yet you try to harm yourself like that over and over again. Are you actually suicidal?"

Min Hyunjin gave no reply to him.

"How could I have forgotten that the great Min Hyunjin was a boring person? How could he even possibly give a reply to my worth less questions? Geez! I won't irritate you further, happy?"

Being met with silence from Hyunjin once again caused Seokhyun to let out a groan, and shaking his head, he turned his back on the boy, letting him be on his own.

Things might not turn out well for him if he were to continue pushing him further.