First World 1.2

George kept the call on speaker mode to let Maria hear the conversation as well, after signalling her to keep quiet by placing a finger before his pursed lips to hush her.

Maria looked curiously at the phone, not knowing what her husband was trying to let her know by overhearing the call.

She did notice all the changes in his facial expression after he picked up the phone. She knew the call was from her younger son.

She liked him very much and cared for him too but that child always felt insecure.

She tried to keep him close to her but it felt like she was not doing enough. She often spoke to her cold and indifferent elder son against his will just to find out about Evan's likes and dislikes because she was unable to figure things out herself. Yet she came to know that both of her sons were not close to each other as much as she had expected and wanted them to be. She didn't want to tell Evan about the adoption because she felt that it might just send her son even farther away from her than he already was.

However, George said that it was his right to know about his real parents no matter how selfish we were about wanting to keep him close to us and not strain our relationships. He also said that he trusts Evan to make the right choice and stay with us even after finding out about his adoption.

She was shocked to say the least when she heard that Evan had tried to force himself on a girl at the office. She didn't want to believe it at all but she knew very well that Drake never lies.

She was heartbroken to hear this and realized that it was perhaps her fault for not being able to give him a proper upbringing.

She should have noticed that he was going down the wrong path and stopped him at once. But it was too late.

George and Drake could stand anything but that. There was once a man who had kidnapped her and tried to have his way with her but she was lucky to have a good husband and a capable son who were able to rescue her just in time. She had kept it a secret from her younger child so as to keep him away from the darkness of the world.

Alas, reality is truly bitter...

She was depressed.

So, to cheer her up, her husband brought her out on a little date. She truly did love her better half.

As much as he tries to hide his sadness about loosing his son so as to not let her know, she could easily find out. But now from his reaction she simply couldn't decipher what had happened.

George was trying his best to control his surging anger. He was upset about having to disown his cute little second child but had to because he couldn't let a person with such a character stay at home. He was still wondering what must have made his rabbit like son to do something like a dreadful wolf.

He simply couldn't imagine that the young boy would do something like that...

Nevertheless he was informed by Drake that Evan had done just that and his son Drake never really makes mistakes at judging situations. So, he took strict actions without delay.

But from the looks of it, his son, Drake had let his anger control his judgement and let a woman make a fool out of him. At the same time they made a mistake which lead them to lose their son, Evan.

George knew very well that although Drake had always kept quiet about what had taken place back then with his wife, deep down he hated being not careful enough to keep his mother safe and despised anyone who committed or even tried to do such things. That incident had hit his son so hard that he had ended up with a scar in his heart which was difficult to erase. The fear of losing his mother, the desperation he felt while looking for her everywhere and the anxiety caused by the unknown outcome the future held was too much for him.

He could not blame Drake because he was sure that he too might have reacted the same way. After all, he was also someone who had experienced that. After having found his wife, he had woken up in the middle of the night in cold sweat for days on end. Only after a long time had passed was he able to calm down. After which he tried to increase the safety measures at home to protect his family.

That vile woman was too lucky to have come up with such an act that raised their protective feelings.

He at the same time felt distress over where his son, Evan, could be at the moment.

He needed to apologize for what he has done. Though, he did not know if he could ever be forgiven.

His anger shifted to the one who had caused this.


His gloomy self thought to himself to wait till he gets a hold of her, that damned woman, then he would skin her alive for making them separate from their beloved son!


Evan was shaken due to Levi's magic but his fear was wearing away. He had never been one to be scared of something for long.

He wracked his brain to come up with a better solution. However, he could not figure out what to do.

He was definitely not going to consider acting, that will just not work when he is feeling jittery.

"Levi, do something...anything! I don't know what but do it quickly because my heart rate is returning to normal" I asked for help exasperatedly.

Levi looked at me and said with a serious expression for the first time "There is a spell that I have heard of but never tried on someone. It is a spell that is used on souls to make them suffer at Mellisia. I don't know what affect it will have on a soul with a body. However, I had heard that the spell makes a person feel suffocated as if the air surrounding them has disappeared. They feel pain in the chest at times too if the spell caster is proficient at magic. If and only if you think that it is okay with you then I will proceed to use the spell on you. Otherwise,not. You choose Ray"

I thought about it for a while. I was planning to go back to the apartment then think of a way to prove Evan's innocence regarding that issue but when I got into the elevator with Misa I suddenly had this crazy idea which I came up with but didn't think of how it might actually turn out. I didn't think of a proper foolproof plan beforehand and was just going with the flow, as and when I thought of doing something, I did.

I didn't want to take a risk right now and get into a mess but at the same time didn't want the present happenings to go to waste.

I needed to get enough sympathy from people to white wash Evan's reputation, not just to clarify this issue but start anew.

I decided to take up Levi's offer. Might as well pull all the stops then see what happens.

"Go on and please make it fast" I answered to Levi who was patiently waiting for me to think this through.

She clasped her hands and twirled around. Light flickered out of her body and enveloped her completely.

Tiny bits of the light fragments came towards me and entered my body at the same time. Slowly, I felt as if my chest was tightening. My breathing speed picked up.

"Misa, I will tell you something. Keep up with your white lotus act then eventually Drake will fall in love with you. It will be really nice" I said softly with a wide smile.

Misa looked at me with suspicion and asked arrogantly "Why would you like that? I thought you would try your best to not let me reach my goal after I ruined your life with a single lie. Don't you hate me for throwing dirty water on your reputation?"

As I heard her say that I smiled even more.

Of course I can not forget the other person who helped her, whether intentionally or unintentionally, bring the innocent Evan down to his demise. And that person is none other than the dear older brother of the victim.

Yes, Drake will also not be spared. He was someone of poor judgement. In that case, let him suffer for his bad eyesight by being together with this woman who cares for no one else but herself.

Won't they make such a good pair?

A blindfolded man when placed with a woman filled with utter darkness.

They do sound good together indeed.