First World 1.3

"I hate you indeed. How could I not? Its just that I want to see Drake be with a woman who is as cunning as you. In this life, if he doesn't find a good soul mate and suffers from it, I will be really glad. And if he still likes you for the rest of his life then I will laugh at his foolishness. I am sad and depressed then why do you think I will want others, who hurt me, to be live in peace? If anything, I want to curse Drake to never find true happiness for snatching away mine" I grinned maliciously.

I saw Maria, Evan's adoptive mother, become still like a statue after hearing me say that.

Is she feeling bad for Evan, as in me, who has supposedly, suffered so much, that he is at the brink of insanity or just upset that I have cursed at her son, Drake?

I blame these incompetent parents as well. How could they not take care of Evan well? I cannot say that they have never tried to bridge the gap between themselves and their adoptive son, but if they had done it well then the end of Evan could have been different.

Of course, Evan himself is also to blame. If he had been strong willed, someone who could patiently wait for an opportunity to look for the evidence and then reveal the truth, he could have at least died without any regrets at the time of his actual death marked by destiny. But he could not withstand the storm and instead drowned in the sea of despair.

I stopped watching the butterfly and which inadvertently shifted my concentraion to the pain I felt in my chest. It felt like my lungs didn't have any more space for air.

My vision was getting blurred from the tears that I had not yet shed but were on the verge of falling from my eyes.

I gave out soft moans of pain subconsciously. My body fell on the side and hit the floor of the lift.

I was trembling and I couldn't speak anymore due to my uneven and hasty breathing.

It felt like eternity had passed when I heard the elevator door open and someone touched my cheek with an icy cold hand. I wanted to see who it was but failed as my consciousness slipped into darkness.


George could hear his son, Evan, very clearly curse Drake and winced. It will not be an easy thing to bring him back home with just an apology. He was not expecting Evan to forgive them at once still he now felt that even getting a chance to apologize to Evan might take immense effort.

Maria was shocked by what she had heard. Not only was her son, Evan innocent and wrongly blamed, he had come to detest his elder brother, Drake. She didn't know what to do to make things right. No, what she feared was something worse and that was the fact that perhaps there was no way left to mend their relationship.

Then, they both could hear the sharp intakes of breath from the other end very clearly. At first they had not paid attention to it due to the content of the conversation but now it was very conspicuous.

It seemed as if someone was having problem with breathing.

George recollected what he had heard till now and inferred that his son was stuck in an elevator. It was afternoon, so he had probably gone to the office to take away his belongings from there and come across Misa. He had said that he is unable to stay any longer at the lift. His son was not feeling well. He quickly took his wife's phone from the table and left to the corner of the room to make a phone call.


Drake was working on a business deal. He was thinking about that woman named Misa... She looked afraid back then. He was wondering if she had been as traumatized as his mother had been after that incident. He clenched his fist at the very thought of Evan doing something bad to that helpless woman.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was his mother. His mother knew very well that he hates it when someone calls him during work yet she did. This just proved that what she had to say was very important and urgent. He immediately picked up the call but heard his father's voice and frowned.

His father told him in detail what had happened in the past half an hour.

By the time his father ended what he had to say, he was dazed.

Only two things came to his mind.

That woman, Misa was disgusting.

And he had made a grave mistake that will not be easy to rectify.

He hanged up the call and asked his secretary to find Evan at once.

By the time the electrician came to fix the problem and started the elevator again it had already been twenty minutes.

When the elevator door opened, he strode in to see a delicate young man lying on the floor. He was unhealthily pale, sweat drenched his entire body. He seemed to be shivering. His breathing was erratic.

Drake moved towards him and bent down to touched his cheek with his fingers and noticed it was very warm.

He liked the feel of the soft skin very much.

He quickly shook away his thoughts and picked up Evan and left the place. He took him to the hospital. The whole time he was driving he kept glancing once in a while at the person lying on the back seat of his car. He was feeling agitated seeing this person in such a state. Only when the doctor told him that he was fine did the discomfort he felt seemed to lessen a bit.

He was staring at the young man sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. His brown hair slightly covered his forehead. He brushed it aside and looked at him carefully.

He had never really paid attention to this younger brother of his.

Truthfully, he was actually an apathetic person. He could not feel emotions like other people around him. The only time he did feel something was when his mother had been kidnapped and he didn't like that feeling at all.

So, he never thought he would ever feel anything anymore after that because he subconsciously or sometimes intentionally avoided feeling various emotions.

So, he was surprised by the same feeling arising within his heart when he saw Misa, his secretary, being supposedly subjected to what his mother had gone through.

The fact that he actually felt something after so long had made him pay attention to her.

But what he felt when he found this person lying there limp and vulnerable gave rise to a myriad of feelings. There was a part of him that claimed that he should keep this person by his side forever and never let go at all costs. He was the very reason for his existence in this world. And rest of him whispered that he should cherish him, treat him like the world's most precious treasure.

However, he could not understand any of this, it didn't make any sense as to how he could suddenly look at his brother differently.

Clearly, they did not have any emotional basis that could support such a change, then what was it that caused such inconsistency.

The answer lied in the young man before him. But he did not want to force him to tell everything in order to satiate his immense curiosity in this regard.

Nevertheless, he knew one thing for sure that he will make this person become his.

Then, he could slowly unravel his complicated feelings one by one and all the secrets that are carefully hidden. It is alright to take as much time as required.