The Battle (I)

From an uninhabited mountain of Aeros, Amanda and Christopher prepare to join the battle below. The borders from the westernmost part of the nation as well as the north were being attacked.

The sun was about to set and they all saw how the Plethorans and Oscorians have outnumbered the soldiers of Aeros. There was no time to waste. Aeros needed saving.

"I'll take care of the Oscorians!" Announced Amanda. Turning to Abasi, she said, "Can you help Chris and his men?"

Abasi nodded and said, "With pleasure."

Christopher still worried about Amanda that he called for her, "Amanda, will you be okay?"

"I'm I'll be fine. Don't worry, with my fire, no one can come close to me. Abasi will protect you and be your eyes," said Amanda. "It's time to go Chris. You, Kyle, and Razul best deal with the Plethorans from the western border."