The Battle (II)

Simultaneously, as Amanda stormed across the northern border, Christopher and his team did the same, fighting against Plethoran arms.

The Plethorans were shocked to see the young master of Aeros return from the puzzle wood forest. They anticipated his capture long before, yet there he was, looking energized to put an end to their attack.

Since Christopher had lost his sword, he first struggled to take one from an enemy before blazing against rows of Plethoran soldiers, effectively using his wings.

He quickly noticed he was stronger than he was before. He wondered if it had anything to do with his newly awakened power.

While the Plethorans were greater in number, they were taken aback by how Christopher, Kyle, Razul, and Khalil would suddenly disappear when faced with a blind attack from behind.

Each time a sword was raised on their backs, Abasi shifted them to another advantageous angle.