Truth or dare Ch. 8: Gaara

Everyone turned to the deadly sand ninja, he was just sitting there minding his own buisness, he looked up at Lee and waited for him to speak.

"Gaara, truth or dare" -Said Lee-

Gaara looked at Lee "Truth"

Everyone looked at Gaara in a weird way, they all thought that he would pick dare like a man, but apparently he didn't.

-Lee looked puzzled- "Gaara, you sure you don't wanna pick dare"

Gaara looked up at everybody. "If I picked dare then he would of made me do something stupid, and I'm not gonna humiliate myself for your amusement"

Everyone was now scared, they were now glad that he picked truth. Lee sat there thinking of a good question to ask him.

"Gaara, do you . . . do you think your sisters hot!" -Said Lee with enthusiasm-

Everyone looked at Temari, they knew that she wanted to kick Lee for asking that.

Temari grabbed Lee by his neck "You little punk, what kind of question is that, its very obvious that Gaara does'nt think I'm-"

Gaara started to speak. "Well I-"

Temari looked at her brother Gaara with confusion. Gaara continued.

"I think that . . . she's is very cute when . . . she has her hair down"

All the girls looked at Gaara as if he said something stupid. All the guys looked at Temari and imagined her with her hair down. they turned red. Temari was looking at Kankuro.

"Kankuro, do you . . . do you think that I look cute too." -Asked Temari-

Kankuro looked at her with confusion.

"Temari, you know full well that I see you as my sister." -Replied Kankuro-

-Temari continued- "Then why does he think I'm cute?"

Gaara looked at Temari and said something that shocked everybody.

"I think your cute . . . because . . . because whenever you give me a bath, you are always . . . naked."

Everyone looked at Temari and chuckled a little. Temari turned red and was embarrassed. Nobody ever thought that Temari would get naked in front of her brother.

-Naruto spoked- "Gaara, does she still give you a bath?"

Everyone looked at Naruto like he was an idiot but then Gaara spoke.

"I . . . I tell her that I can wash myself but . . . she insist that she should be in there with me."

Now everyone turned to Temari as if it was her fault. Now she was stuttering.

"Wait . . . no it's not l-like that, t-the only r-reason I'm in there w-with him is b-because . . . um . . ."

-Kankuro interupted- "I told you to stop taking baths with him when he turned 11, but you didn't listen."

Everyone looked at Temari to see what she was gonna say, she didn't really feel like talking anymore, she was too embarrassed to be seen by her little brother.

-Kankuro looked at Gaara then looked at everyone- "We should move on to the next person."

Everyone agreed. They turned to Gaara to see who he was gonna pick.

"I pick . . . Kiba."