Truth or dare Ch. 9: Kiba

Everyone turned to the dog lover, he was sitting on the floor just playing with his dog.

"Kiba stop messing with your dog, its your turn" -Said Chouji-

Akamaru barked at Chouji, Chouji jumped back, everyone turned to Gaara

"Kiba . . . . Truth or dare? -Said Gaara-

Kiba thought for a secnd then he gave an answer.

"Dare" -Replied Kiba-

Everyone looked at Gaara, they were curious to see what kind of dare he would give Kiba.

"Your from the . . . Inuzuka clan right?" -Asked Gaara-

Kiba looked confused "Um yeah, but what does this have to do with . . . the dare?"

"We'll if your from the Inuzuka Clan then that means ya'll are like dogs . . . so i dare you to lick Hinata face like a dog" -Said Gaara-

Everyone looked at Kiba's upset face, then they turned to hinata who was turning red.

"Does he . . . does he h-have to?" -Stuttered Hinata-

Everyone looked at Gaara and waited for a response.

" . . . . yes he does" -Replied Gaara with an evil face-

Everyone was frightened of Gaara, Kiba didn't wanna do the dare. Hinata was his team mate, he didn't wanna do anything tou upset her. But he also didn't wanna make Gaara angry. He had no choose but to do the dare. He walked up to Hinata.

Kiba looked at her with an apoligetic look "I'm really sorry for doing this Hinata"

Everyone turned to Hinata. All the girls felt sorry for her. They were all waiting for Kiba to start.

-Naruto interuppted- "Um Gaara, don't you think that this is a little too much, I mean it's making Hinata uncomfortable"

Hinata heard Naruto's comment and stared turning red "Naruto thinks I'll feel uncomfortable, he really does care about me"

Hinata looked at Kiba. "J-just make it quick"

Kiba felt bad for her, he got into her face and started licking her cheek like a dog. Everyone looked at Kiba in disgust. Looking at this even made Chouji lose his appetite. Hinata just sat there trying not to move at all. She looked over at Naruto who was upset about about the whole thing. She felt better knowing that he was worried about her. Kiba was still licking her cheek, he was getting humiliated by everybody looking at him.

"Yo Gaara, can I stop now, I think Hinata's had enough" -Said Kiba-

Gaara looked at Hinata, her whole face was dark red. Everyone was hoping that Gaara was done with the dare.

"Fine . . . your done . . . after you bite on her earlobe." -Explained Gaara-

Everyone gasped at Gaara, they couldn't believe that he would do these kind of dares.

"I gotta what!" -Yelled Kiba-

Kiba saw that it was pointless to argue with Gaara, so he went up to Hinata's ear. Then he whipered something to her.

"I'm . . . sorry"

Hinata heard Kiba and tried to say something, but he had already started biting on her ear. She was trying not to look like she was enjoying it. She started turning ready and moaned just a little. Kiba finished and moved away from her and sat down on the other side of the room. He didn't feel comfortable looking at her. She didn't argue with it.

"Alrite who do I pick next" -Said Kiba-

At that moment Tenten woke up from her sleep and looked around the room.

"Whathappened?" -Asked Tenten rubbing her head-

"You got knocked out" -Replied Sakura-

Tenten looked around the room in dissapointment "Did I miss anything good when I was asleep, what happened?"

They all turned to Tenten then the girls started giggling and the guys started turning red. She hasn't notice that she is only wearing her bra and panties because of Kankuro's dare. She notice everyone staring at her body and looked down.

"Oh my god! Why am I naked? What happened when I was asleep!" Screamed tenten who was tring to cover herself up with her hands.

Everyone turned to Kankuro, they were gonna tell her that Kankuro undressed her, but they knew Kankuro would kill them if they did. They just ignored it and gave Tenten her clothes. She went into the bathroom so she can get dressed. She came out with her face red.

"Alrite so who's going next" -Replied Tenten-

Kiba looked at her with a grin and then spoke.

"Your next Tenten"