Mother II

The next morning, mother and Jeanne said their goodbyes to the woman. The woman saw them to the main road, and mother curtsied while motioning Jeanne to do the same. She had always taught Jeanne to curtsy, how to grab a dress or garment at exactly the right height and to bow just at the right angle. Mother had said all proper ladies should know how to perform one, and by now, Jeanne thought herself pretty good at it. 

"And say thank you to our host," said mother.

Jeanne nodded and smiled at the woman. "Thank you, uhm…"

The woman patted Jeanne's head with a smile. "Aine. That is my name. Try and say it."

"On-on-" Jeanne stopped. The name sounded like 'onion', but that wasn't exactly how the woman had said it. The name was not like anything she had heard before.