

"Those are my memories," said Jeanne as she rested her chin atop the Lerneas egg. The sun outside was beginning to set, and the firelight in turn became comparatively brighter, underlining her baby blues with flickering orange. She was pensive, lips smoothed into a straight line of thought and remembrance.

"My memories of mother are few, but those are the clearest pieces I yet hold."

"Your mother knew Aine?" said Li. He turned to Old Thane. "Did you know this?"

"Aye, a little," said Old Thane as he continued to scratch his beard. "But Aine did not tell me much, only that she had made a promise to a desperate mother to make certain her little lass was cared for."

"That didn't seem a little strange to you?" Li sounded inquisitive as he was mostly curious. He knew from Old Thane about the youth he had spent with Aine, but surprisingly little of their quiet and retired farm life.