Clash I

Near sunset, they were done with harvesting. As the sun's light deepened in redness and intensity, it seemed to almost cast a spotlight on the fruits of their labor: several barrels chock full of grain stood behind the farm, ready for transport the day after. 

Li, Old Thane, and Azhar sat at the edge of the fields, watching the barrels with a quiet satisfaction. There was nothing quite like the feeling of reaping the fruits of labor borne strictly from one's own hands and grown from the dirt. There was something so very primal about it that made it satisfying almost at a spiritual level.

"Y'know," said Azhar. "That grain looks mighty fine. Ain't a single bad kernel in there, and they got a healthy shine to em' that I ain't never seen before. Ya might be able to set up some kinda deal with a few places in town, get em' some grain for some perks."