Clash II

"Don't give up," called out Li. 

Tia rushed forwards, her claws scratching up small clouds of dirt and grass as she soared through the air like a compact missile, surging towards Azhar. 

With a confident smile etched on his face, Azhar leaned backwards beyond ninety degrees, exhibiting a degree of extreme flexibility that made it seem as if his bones themselves were fluid. Tia, having calculated her charge to strike at Azhar's chest, now hit nothing, flying past Azhar.

"Way too slow, missy," said Azhar as he stood up straight. "Woah there." He stepped backwards, casually dodging an irritated swipe from Tia.

Li figured this would happen. Azhar was much too fast for Tia. A twenty-level difference made sure of that, and Azhar had specialized almost the entirety of his stat points into agility, further emphasizing the disparity.