Plans I

The next morning, Li, with the help of everyone on the farm, put up barrels of grain in front of the cottage, right beside the rough, well trodden dirt of the main road. Even Tia had helped, balancing a barrel on her back and carrying it over. Though that was all she could muster for the day. She was highly lethargic today as well, preferring to sleep and lounge around.

Valery's transport had arrived as the morning sun reached its peak, right before it became hot, and he had brought his usual escort of three carts and a squadron of vampires to help with transport. 

"Simply marvelous, sir," said Valery as he took off his black beret, revealing smoothly slicked back hair. "A healthy and fine harvest. Your skills in tending to the land are truly unmatched."

"Were you ordered to flatter me?" said Li jokingly.