Plans II

"A matter of state, you can call it," said Li as he crossed his legs. 

Alexei raised a brow. "You wish to dabble into this world's politics? I did not believe your interests to lie beyond your land."

"Part of my interests lie in protecting my land, so when politics has the potential to harm it, you can see how my interests would get piqued."

Alexei put his hands together, his stick like fingers interlocking as he leaned forwards a little, his attention sharpening. 

"Did something occur?" He paused to think. "It is quite hard to believe. None would be foolish enough to challenge you. To even disturb your land by a hair would be an infinitely monumental risk to undertake."

"Nobody has taken any actions against me yet. You can call this more a preventative measure." Li verbalized what was on his mind without dancing around it. "What do you think about deposing the duchess?"