
Li stepped into the familiarity of his cottage. With the adventurer's carriage outside, he figured that Launcelot and his team, Bulwark, and Triple Threat had finished their contract hunt and come back. Though, judging by the fact that the carriage was not left to the nearby stablemaster, it seemed that the adventurers were not going to stay the night.

Well, all Li needed to do was talk to them. As he swung the cottage door open, keeping the two beastwomen safely held at his side, warm air laced with the scent of roasting meat rushed out. The Feli under his arm, though still unconscious, licked her lips, her nose twitching.

Li saw who he expected to see with one exception. 

First, sitting around the table, were Launcelot and his trio of superheroines. Then there was Triple Threat and Old Thane seated on the ground, forming a small ring around the fireplace. Tia was at the back, gnawing on a black carapaced insectoid leg almost the same size as her.