
Li nodded towards Jeanne, and the room took a collective look at Jeanne, and she blinked before stiffening up at the sudden attention. 

"Me?" she said almost wonderingly.

"Certainly, it does make sense," said Launcelot with a nod. "Among us adventurers, you are surely the most loved by the people. Decorated with a medal by the duchess herself. A priestess of the Light. Born of heroic blood. A Rivieran born native. You hold all the marks of one to be adored and revered by the people."

Sylvie agreed, saying, "And none can ever hold anything against her, for she has genuinely led a life only for the good of others. There is no blackmail that can be waived against her."

"I've heard tell of your fame even down south," said Leon. "You've more fame than most of the golds, even."