Helgat Shattered

And yet, Li had to wonder. "For what reason would Zahaka do this for dwarves, I do wonder. They do not seem to worship her, nor do they seem like people who are particularly given to magic themselves."

"In the First Darkening, all three gods gave liberal gifts to the mortals that stood with them against the demons and the dark, regardless of whether the mortals were their believers or not," said Asala. "Though mortal greed, conflict, and the volatility of time hath lost many of these Godgiven artifacts to the ages, there are yet those that remain.

Such as the walls of Riviera, fashioned in tandem by the Fiery Bull and mine own goddess. Or the sunlit dome blessed by Helius covering Eclat."

"There is one among us," said Sheela. "From our god. Khaal the Nightstalker. Blade of curses. Pride of my people. But...lost now."