The Source

"By all that is right!" Mason shouted as he flinched, feeling the sudden final lurch of impact as the Helgat, a divine artifact that had withstood a millennium of history, shattered. He and his brother Mercer both reacted, putting their hands over their heads instinctively.

Everyone else, however, looked up at Li as he calmly grabbed the chrysalis with his tether of roots, manifesting once more the Sanzuwu wings to keep everyone afloat and not hurtling down into the abyss below. He watched as the shards of adamant that once formed the Helgat fell down into a yawning void of darkness, their blue glimmer rapidly fading. 

Li narrowed his eyes as he peered down. "More darkness, huh?"

"It should not be so," said Asala as she put a finger to her lips. She noticed Mason and Mercer still cowering and spoke out. "Collect thine wits. Thou art about to witness lost history discovered oncemore. Grant it the respect it deserves."