Beginning of a Quest

The next day Annabeth went up to Mira talking about a quest that got issued, along with the prophecy that went with it. She had asked Mira to come with them to which Mira's response was about that they already had three people and that she doubted Chiron would want that. Apparently, Chiron had already agreed when Annabeth asked, this was supposed to be a quest for Mira to prove that she was allied with Olympus.

Mira was told that she had until the next day to pack up, so Mira packed everything she thought she would need. Mira packed 1 change of clothing, a few water bottles, 50$ cash, a small bit of ambrosia , nectar, and 3 MRE packs for the quest. She simply set the items next to her bed once she finished packing and went on with a normal day.


The next day had come and Mira was currently wearing black jeans that hugged her legs, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt , and a black unzipped jacket over it. She was waiting at the edge of camp with the rest of them as Chiron had asked them to wait for him to send them off.

As Chiron arrived he quickly gave Percy a gift, it was a sword called Anaklumos, Riptide. Supposedly, it would always return to him. Percy was also gifted some flying shoes from Luke. Once everyone had given their farewells (which Mira had none to give) the quadruplet set off on their quest.

As the quadruplet enter town they all get on a bus to take them to New Jersey. As the quadruplet sits down Percy points out that three old ladies get on the bus, on of which was Mrs. Dodds, his old teacher.

"Okay Percy, I get that you like reminiscing but why do we have to know that?"

"Mira, Mrs. Dodds was a monster"

"Why didn't you lead with that?"

Shaking her head slightly she looks towards the three old women. She starts to speak to Annabeth.

"Okay, Annabeth, You got a plan?"

"I think so, Percy, take this." She hands Percy her hat and tells him to put it on. She then tells him to run out of the bus and that the remaining trio will handle the Furies. Percy runs out of the bus as it stops and the old ladies began to walk towards the trio. Mira nudges Annabeth asking for her knife. Annabeth hands it to Mira. Once the furies get close enough, Mira rolls out of the seats and stabs the first Fury in the chest while. She kicks the next Fury, knocking it into the one behind it. Mira picks up her backpack while getting the other two to follow her. She and them jump out of the back door at the same time lightning strikes the bus.

The trio run towards Percy as he took off the hat as he exited. As everything calmed down slighty, Mira hands Annabeth her knife back getting a thanks from her. Percy, still not completely calm begins to spiral a bit.

"Oh god, we had all of our supplies on that bus."

Mira just looks at Percy with a 'Are you an idiot' expression. Mira lightly nudged Percy to get his attention. She held up her backpack for Percy to see making him calm down a bit. Annabeth had them follow her to the forest so they could set up a camp for the night. Sitting down on the ground in the forest with a fire that Grover started, Mira began to make two MREs. She and Annabeth shared one while Percy and Grover shared the other.

After finishing dinner everyone wanted to head to bed so Mira decided to take first watch. Nothing much happened in the night besided Mira and Annabeth talking as they took the first two shifts and neither could sleep.


Once morning came everyone woke up (execpt Mira who was on watch again). Mira told them that their was a road a bit of a ways over that lead to a small towny area. The quadruplet began their walk to find the road.

After arriving and travelling down the road a bit they found a place called 'Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium'. The air was filled with the smell of good food. Percy Grover, and Annabeth began to walk inside with Mira staying behind a bit, yet she still followed. They entered the store and were greeted by a women with a black dress and her hair being covered by a veil. She began to greet them and asked where their parents were. Mira simply replied that they were across the street at a gas station.

The woman who was now named Aunty Em led them deaper into the shop. She sat them down at a table and she began to cook food for them. There were different types of condiment dispeners, fountain sodas, and a grill where Aunty Em was currently grilling a few burger patties. Mira was unconsiously rubbing her necklace whilst her instincts were telling her to get out of there. Mira didn't want to alert Aunty Em of her wariness so she just let everything progress whilst looking for the quickest way out.

Aunty Em set down the fully made burgers, Mira simply stating she wasn't hungry as an excuse to not eat the food. Aunty Em turned away for a moment in which Mira used to ask Grover if he smelled any monsters. He smelled the air and his eyes widened. He lightly nodded his head.

'Great' Mira thought as she looked at Aunty Em. She had suspected since they got in here that Aunty Em was a monster but she didn't ahve much evidence until Grover nodded.

Mira turned to Annabeth to ask if she could try to identify who Aunty Em was while Mira herself excused herself to the bathroom. Mira got up and walked around the emporium when she realized that all the stone statues were real people and that Aunty Em was Medusa. Mira quickly made her way back and hid behind a statue watching Aunty Em tend to the trio when she saw Annabeth try to stab Medusa.

Mira knowing that she still had the element of surprise even if Medusa and the trio were now fighting, snuck around the fight. While she was sneaking she watching all the trio try and kill Medusa without looking. It was quite comical to see the trio just swing randomly in Medusa direction. Annabeth had the bright idea to use a piece of glass she pick up as a mirror to look at her feet area and such. They continued fighting like that until Percy got kicked back and Mira decided to make her move.

Mira quickly turned her necklace into her scythe and chopped both of Medusa's legs off before chopping her head off aswell. She left Grover to tend to Percy while she check on Annabeth. Annabeth was fine besides a bruise. Before they left Percy had the 'bright' idea to send Medusa's head to Olympus.

After exiting the Emporium, Grover introduces the quadruplet to his friend poodle of which they then send back to the owner to get some money to buy tickets to the Gateway Arch.