Hedgeh-No sorry Echidna

The train pulled into the station as the quadruplet departed from their section. As they departed Annabeth 'coerced' the others into going into the arch to see what it was like. Surprising the others Mira instantly agreed. As they made to the arch's elevator, Mira would catch a glance of a large women who seemed to be following them. Mira was once again unconciously rubbing her necklace, this not going unnoticed by Annabeth.

They filed into the elevator with many people. On their way up Annabeth would explain the architecture of the arch while glancing at Mira who was still rubbing her necklace. The elevator opened up and the people along with the quadruplet spilled out. After a while people began to file back into the elevator. This time there wasn't enough space for Percy or Mira so they stayed behind to wait for the next elevator. Annabeth didn't want to do this saying she would stay with them but the duo said they would be fine. Mira had noticed another person stayed behind, the large woman who she thought was following them.

The elevator door closed and Mira released her scythe surprising Percy, but Percy just unsheathed Riptide and went along with it. Mira looked towards the large woman and her companion, simply stating she knew they were monsters. Seeing no reason to hide anymore, she had her poodle grow into a chimera while she transformed into a half snake like lady, introducing herself as Echidna.

Mira sighing lightly at this told Percy to take the Chimera whilst she quickly took Echidna. Quickly putting her plan into action, she charged Echidna. Twirling out of the way of a claw that was shot towards her from Echidna, she did a quick slice on her back. Mira, dancing around Echidna and expertly wielding her scythe, looked like a elegant goddess of death. Percy only had one thought at watching that, 'Glad she's on our side....I think'. Percy barely had time to finish the thought before the Chimera hit him hard sending him flying out of the arch into the river below.

Mira, seeing this scoffed a bit before slashing at Echidna finishing her off. Mira turned towards the Chimera preparing for a far more difficult battle. Mira and the Chimera charged eachother. When they reached a close distance, Mira slide underneath the Chimera, dragging her scythe's blade along the underside of the Chimera. She quickly got up and slashed at the Chimera's tail cutting it off. Mira swiped her scythe's blade at the Chimera's back legs, giving each a massive cut. The Chimera, dragging itself as it had no hind legs to walk with, tried getting away only to have it's head cut off by Mira like a guillotine. Mira watched the monster fade into golden dust before walking to the elevator and turning her scythe back into a necklace.


Exiting the elevator Mira lightly jogged to Annabeth and Grover. Mira told them about Percy getting flung off the arch into the river. The trio ran towards the river only to see percy climbing onto the river's edge. After Percy confirmed that he was okay, he began to talk about a conversation he had with a Nereid. The Nereid told Percy that they had to go to the ocean before heading to the underworld.

The quadruplet made their way to a train station. They got tickets to go to Denver and began their train ride. The rode the train in peace, surprising the quadruplet that a monster didn't appear out of nowhere to attack them.

The quadruplet exit the train and wander for a bit until they enter a diner. The four sat down in a corner booth (One of the like, half circle ones that sit 6-8 people.). As they sat down Mira decided to ask a question that had been on her mind since the beginning of the quest. She turned to look at Annabeth assuming she'd be the one with an answer.

"Okay, so I've yet to ask this, but what was the prophecy for this quest?"

Percy decided to respond to this question surprising Mira a bit.

"The prophecy said 'You shall go west and face the god who has turned, You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you a friend, And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end."

Mira looked up to see everyone looking at her. She realized they were looking at her because of the line 'You shall be betrayed by the one whoo calls you a friend'. Mira, annoyed that they'd assumed she would betray them, spoke up a bit.

"Why are you looking at my like I would betray you? Only Annabeth here is my friend and because Percy got the quest, it couldn't be me"

Annabeth let out a small chuckle at her respone, getting a smile from Mira. The other two decided to scowl. The quadruplet couldn't finish the conversation as a man with a red plad shirt and no sleeves, blue jeans, and pitch black sunglasses. He sat down getting a small scowl from Mira for invading their privacy.

The man decided to speak up. He introduced himself as Ares and that he had a quest for the quadruplet. He wanted them to get his shield from WaterWorld. He would provide them transportation to get to the west. The food arrives with Ares paying a drachma and then leaving. He left his food and payed for their meals.

Shaking her head at the god, Mira checked her bag making sure she had supplies for a sub-quest. She told the others that she had enough supplies to make the trip to waterworld and back. So, after finishing their meals they set off to get Ares' shield from WaterWorld.