
(A/N: I've decided that I'm going to try and write this novel from a 1st person prospective from now on. Sorry for the sudden change.)

Annabeth, Percy, Grover, and I all arrived at WaterWorld to find a barren park. All of the rides seemed to have accumulated rust. There was absolutly nothing that made this park...water.

Percy led us as we walked through the park. We arrived at the entrance to 'Thrill Ride O'Love' and jumped into the empty entrance. Percy said that two people should go on the ride. I decided to speak up to this.

"Got a little crush water boy?" I had spoken in a bit of a seductive tone to make him slip a bit as I thought it would be funny. It was.

Percy blushed at this before grabbing Grover to try and sway me from thinking about anything like that. I simply chuckled before responding.

"Didn't know you like 'it' like that. Anyway, have fun on your lover's ride"

Percy looked like he wanted to punch me for that comment, but I simply made a 'shoo' motion. I looked up at the other areas of the park when I heard Annabeth scream. I looked to what she was screaming at and she saw creepy mechanical spiders. Shuddering, I simply helped Annabeth get away from them, and we were about to climb out of the empty ride entrance when a barrier was made and a tv was brought up along with a few cameras.

I heard an announcement be made stating that we would be live to Mount Olympus in about a minute. Sighing, I sat Annabeth down to have her panic attack whilst I went to swipe my scythe into the crowd of spiders to hopefully kill a bunch.

( I'm an arachnophobe irl and I had to stop writing so many times during this one chapter because I was having a panic attack).

I was about to make my first swipe into the crowd of spiders when the water began to fill the empty pool. I was currently sitting fully clothed in a pool with a bunch of malfunctioning spiders and a wet teammate. Shaking my head at Percy's antics I swam towards Annabeth. As me and Annabeth made it to eachother we saw Percy and Grover coming to us on a boat with a shield. Annabeth and I climbed onto the boat and Percy raised the water to help us over the blockade.

Annabeth and I were soaked. To be fair, I couldn't complain about the former, but I could definiatly complain about being drenched myself. I grabbed my backpack to get my spare clothing while Annabeth went to rob a store. We went into the bathroom and we both came out in our repective clothing. I wore a simple black t-shirt and tight black jeans with black shoes. Annabeth was wearing a myriad of tie-dye clothing. It all had the signature WaterWorld Park somewhere on the item of clothing.

We were walking out of the park when Ares appeared in a flash of light. I scowled as I saw him. He himself scowled back at me. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be this angry at just seeing a god, to be fair I thought that the world could do some good without ares, but that didn't mean I would be mad at just seeing a god. I knew this to just be his hateful aura.

I grabbed the shield from Percy before Percy could give the shield. " Ares, if you want your shield, fufill you end of the deal first." Ares rolled his eyes at my cautious attitude towards him but he still teleported us back to the diner. Ares simply pointed to a truck that said 'Kindness International' on it. I handed Ares his shield and once again he was gone in a flash.

We made our way to the truck and opened it, getting inside while the drivers were in the diner. What we saw was awful. The animals looked malnourished. The food for each animal was swapped. The lion had some raddishes and a zebra had a pile of meat. I shook my head and sat down, Annabeth sitting next to me.

We felt the truck take off as we were moved along with it. I hadn't realized how tired I was. I decided to lay down, using Annabeth's lap as a pillow, with a small blush on my face. As I layed my head down I felt Annabeth tense a bit before relaxing. I quickly difted off after noticing that.


Waking up, I noticed Annabeth asleep aswell. I also noticed our positions had changed. I was lying down and Annabeth had her arms wrapped around my hips in her sleep. I blushed as I noticed our position, only for it to instantly leave my face once I heard Percy's comment.

"Ahh yes, I'm the one with a crush"

I quickly glared at him to shut him up. This only made him chuckle.

The truck stopped and I had to, reluctantly, wake Annabeth up. She woke up and noticed how we were aswell, blushing. This elicited another chukcle out of Percy, getting another glare from me. The doors were opening so I cut the animals loose for a distraction and hid behind the cages with the others. The workers paniced, seeing the once caged animals set loose, they ran away. The others and I simply walked into Vegas only to get stopped by a bellhop. They invited us into the casino and said everything would be paid for by them. I was skeptical but I decided I'd go along with it for the time being.