Chapter 39: Closer

'What the fuck did I do to deserve this woman?'

"Ah shit, Ricky!"

Her warm hands hit my chest, her panting is so sensual, her expression says it all.

"You still mad at me?"

"Ahh, yes!"

'Damn, maybe I should piss her off more often, this whole laying on my back thing is fucking heaven!'


I watch as a bead of sweat trickles down in between her breasts,

"Goddamn woman, that was..."

She lays next to me,


"Mhm, yeah. Amazing."

I lay behind her and put my hand on her waist but she gets up,

"Hey, where you going?"

"Taking a shower, I really worked up a sweat."

"Hell yeah ya did. Ya know maybe I should let you ride more often!"

She holds up her middle finger and walks into the bathroom,

"Blow it out your ass!"

"Ha! I love you too Kaz!"

I open the bedside desk and grab a pack of cigarettes,

"You know I really didn't mean to piss you off Kaz!"

The water cuts on and I take a long drag on my cig,

"I know but there's just something about you that just..."

She pops her head out of the door,

"Really, really aggravates me."

She looks at the cigarette in between my fingers,

"Put that shit out, it reeks."

"Please, I just need this one."

"No, it's a bad habit and it fucking ruins your lungs."

She walks over and snatches it from me and puts it out. Then walks over to her dresser and pulls out a small jar,

"You wanna smoke something, smoke this."

She tosses the jar to me and a pack of rolling paper.

"Kaz, what the hell? Where'd you get this?"

She looks at me like i'm dumb,

"Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what?!"

"That I smoke too. Just not nasty ass tobacco."

She skips back into the bathroom and shuts the door.

"What the hell?"

I look at jar full of weed and the small box in my lap,

"What I am supposed to do with this shit?"

I lie down on the bed and wait for her to get out. When the water finally cuts off I wait by the door.

She comes out wearing nothing but a small towel that barely covers anything.

'Goddamn, she looks good without even trying to.'


She looks confused,


"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Huh? Like what?"

"Like that!"

"Like what?!"

"I'm not doing this with you Ricardo."

"Mhm, I love it you call me by my name."

I pull her close and move my hand a little lower,

"Ricky, don't..."

"You're wet Kaz...really wet."

She pushes me away,

"Nope. No way you horny bitch."

I laugh,

"Aw come on! I just need a lil taste, just a little bit Kaz!"

She grabs one of my shirts and pulls it over her head,

"You didn't roll one?"

She looks nay the untouched papers on the bed,

"I uh...I've never smoked weed before."

"Hm, you don't say."

She puts the weed in the paper and rolls it up tightly, she then licks it and runs her lighter across it.

"Oh wow, you must do this a lot."


She sticks the blunt in my mouth and lights it,

"Don't hit too hard, just a few puffs and you'll start to feel it."

I do as she says,

"Damn, and you do this how often?"

"Few times a day, but don't make this shit a habit!"

I take a large inhale and blow the smoke in her face,

"And why not?"

She waves the smoke screen away,


I pass it to her and she blows a circular cloud at me,

"I'm not fond of sharing what's mine."

"Does that include me?"

She hits it again,

"Well you're mine, aren't you?"

I crawl in between her legs,

"I'm all yours love,"

I kiss her thighs,

"All yours."

"You know what, I think i'll go downstairs and watch tv."

"Whaa? Baby no, come lay with me."

'God, I sound like a pushover.'

"But I promised Carlos that we'd watch a movie together."

"When did you promise that?"

"When you were gone."

She leave the room and walks downstairs and I quickly grab some pants and go after her.

Like always she's sitting on the couch with her feet on his lap casually smoking.

"Aye since you're up hand me a drink."

I roll my eyes,

"Why not?"

I get him his beer and sit down next to Kaz,

"So, what we watching?"

"Whatever I feel like watching."

Kaz giggles as she snags Carlos's beer,

"Yo, i'm faded as hell. Here, take this."

She passes it to him,

"Best sister ever."

"Heh, thanks."

Her eyes are bloodshot,

"Hey uh, you wanna maybe cool it with the weed?"

She puts her feet on my chest,

"Shhhh! Turn on a movie."

Carlos scratches his head in confusion,

"But I thought you were choosing."

She covers his mouth,

"He's a newbie, let him choose."

"What? A newbie?"

"Yeah, you're not part of the couch crew."

I snicker,

"The what?"

Carlos takes a puff

"Te lo dije."

(I told you.)



"Te dije que se reiría de eso."

(I told you that he would laugh at that.)

"Lo que sea, él no sabe nada."

(Whatever, he doesn't know anything.)

"Um, you guys know i'm right here...right? And why are you speaking in spanish?"

They completely ignore me and continue their conversation.

"¿Deberíamos ver la película entonces?"

(Should we see the movie then?)

"Hm, guess so."

He clicks through a few shows then finally settles on a horror movie.

Kaz puts her feet under my shirt,

"Damn lady, your feet are freezing."

"Ugh, you crashing my high. Go get me another one?"

"I don't know how to roll like you."

"Well just bring it to me."

"Why can't you get it?"

"Please Ricky?"

"Nah, don't feel like moving. Now shush. The movies started."


"You wanna take her back upstairs?"

"Nah, she looks so peaceful here."

"So i'm assuming that you two made up?"

"Mhm, for the most part."

"Are you serious? I could hear all of that and you're telling me that she's still mad?!"

"I mean she's not pissed but I know that she still has a little resentment -wait, you heard everything?"

I gulp hard.

"Yup, 'Oh Ricky, oh Ricky!'. You guys are way louder than you think."

"Oh my god. Please don't tell her that, she'll flip the fuck out."

"Wasn't planning on it. Should we just go to sleep?"

"Nah, i'm not really tired."

"Late night walk?"

"You know me so well."