Chapter 40: Pool Side

"Good morning you two."

Ricky and Carlos both wipe their eyes at the same time, perfectly in sync.

"What is that delicious smell?"

Ricky walks over to me and rest his chin on my shoulder while Carlos sits on the couch,

"Well last night was really fun and I thought i'd get up early and make breakfast."

He nuzzles up against my chest and puts his arms around my waist,

"Mmm, you're perfect Kaz."

"Far from it, but thanks. Now go eat before it gets cold."

"Right, Carlos get over here!"

He staggers over and sits at the table,

"Well? Are you two gonna sit down or are you just gonna let him sniff your hair."

"Pft! I'm not sniffing her hair, i'm holding my beautiful woman close...but she does smell really good."

"Mhm, go sit Ricky, you can be weird later."

He sighs,


They make their plates and talk amongst themselves and eat loudly.

'My man and my big brother. I didn't think i'd ever be this happy in my life. Even if it is just breakfast.'

"Hey, stop smiling like that. It's creepy."

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, and my smile is not creepy!"

"Mm, that reminds me,"

Carlos swallows his food and looks at Ricky,

"Manny just got promoted and a few of the guys wanna come over for a barbecue and a dip in the pool."

"Oh cool. What time did they say..."

Their words fade and my heart starts to pound,

"M-Manny...Manny who?"

They stare at me,

"Uh why?"

"You good?"

I realize that i've been squeezing the syrup bottle and it's spilling over the sides,

"Oh shit, sorry. I-i'll clean this up."

I rush over to the sink and rinse off my hand,

"Hey why don't uh, why don't you head upstairs? Me and Carlos'll clean up."

"What? No, i'll get it. Just give me a second."

Ricky turns off the water,

"I said we'll get it. It's fine, just go get dressed, I wanna take you somewhere."

"Oh? Ok then."

I wipe my hands on my shorts and head back to my room. I try to ignore their staring but I can feel their gaze.

'This is so embarrassing. I need to get ahold of myself.'

"Woah, this looks like hell."

All the hot memories from last night flooded back into my mind. I should clean up before I get dressed.

I pick up the tossed clothes and put them in the hamper. I make the bed, rearrange the dressers, clean out the closet, and empty the trash can.

"Yo, you ready to-omigod you're not even dressed."

"I know, but the room was a mess from last night and I was just gonna pick up the clothes and one thing led to another and now i'm here."

I fall back on to the floor,

"Ha, don't sweat it love, we can just get ready together. Now get your fine ass off the floor."

He helps me off the floor and hugs me.

"What's been up with you lately? You're so clingy."

"Should I let go of you then."

"No, don't."

He kisses my neck,

"Mhm, my wife. I love calling you that."

"I love hearing it."

We stand in the middle of the room holding each other.

'Something about you just makes me want to taste you over and over again Ricky.'

"We should hurry, guest will be arriving soon."

"Fine, I think i'll wear that red bathing suit Lina gave me."

"She gave you a bathing suit? When?"

"A while ago, I just didn't think to wear it in the pool."

"Ouu, I can't wait to see you in it."

"If you'd let me go I could go put it on."

"Huh? Oh!"

He notices that he's holding onto my wrist,

"I didn't realize..."

I giggle and search my dresser for the suit. Putting it on was easy but getting used to showing so much skin is strange.

"I'm gonna go help Carlos set up downstairs."

"Ok, i'll be down in a bit."


'The sun is shining and the food smells great. I don't really wanna swim right now but I think i'll relax a bit in a lounge chair.'

I put on my shades and sit back in the warm chair. I listen as the others chatter and the meat sizzles in the grill.

I large shadow hides the sun and I open my eyes,

"Ricky? What are you doing?"

"I wanna swim."

"Ok...the pool's right there."

"No. I wanna swim with you."

He pulls me out of the chair,

"Ah! Chill, people are staring!"

"So. Let them look."

He unbuttons my high waisted shorts and slowly pulls them off. All of his friends are now looking at us.

'Damn, I feel so embarrassed.'

Once he gets them off he throws me over his shoulder and jumps into the pool.


He and his buddies all crackup laughing while I push my wet hair out of my face.

"Hey look I was just playing around Kaz. I'm sorry."

He swims over and holds my shoulder but I move away,

"You asshole. This took me all day."

I turn away from him and look out at the beach,

"Kaz, please don't be mad, I swear I was just kidding around."

I quickly turn and look at him. He still has a stupid grin on his face,

"You pulled off my pants in front of everyone, threw me over your damn shoulder, and jumped into this damn pool!"

He appears a little awkward,

"I honestly was just pla-"

I shove his head underwater and jet to the other side of the pool.

"That's it. I'm coming for you."

We splash each other and just have fun.

"If you two are done flirting, the foods ready."

I go towards the stairs but Ricky grabs my arms,

"Hey, what are you doing? The foods done."

"Well I don't want barbecue, I think I want dessert."

'Oh damn, not now Ricky, please not now.'