Chapter 58: Intruders

"Señor, acabamos de recibir algunas noticias alarmantes sobre Kaz."

(Sir, we just received some alarming news about Kaz.)

"What?! What happened to her, is she hurt?!"

"No señor, me temo que ella..."

(No sir, I'm afraid she...)

"She fucking what?!"

He scratches the back of his neck,

"Bueno señor, ella está embarazada."

(Well sir, she is pregnant.)

"H-how do you know that?"

"Han circulado rumores sobre algunos análisis de sangre y qué tan embarazada está. Aparentemente, todo el personal en el trabajo ha estado hablando sobre eso."

(Rumors have circulated about some blood tests and how pregnant she is. Apparently, all the staff at work have been talking about it.)

My excitement drops,

"So it's just a rumor? That doesn't make it true you fucking moron. For all we know that's their way of telling us that they know about the people we have over there. Get the fuck outta my office, you just pissed me off."

"Mis disculpas señor."

(My apologies sir.)

"This is just fucking ridiculous. I'm going up there."

I pull my hoodie on and grab my car keys.

"I'm coming baby, just hold on a little bit longer."


"Morning Negative. Your dear mother sent me down here to offer you a proposition."

"And that is?"

"You change your mind about fighting in the arena, and you can have your old room back."

"Why didn't she come here herself?"

"She's a little busy."

'Damn liar.'

"Tell her that she can shove her proposition up her ass."

He laughs,

"Listen, i'm gonna be straight with you Negative, she's batshit crazy and everyday that you choose to stay down here she plans on killing a member of your family. So if I were you i'd just take the fucking offer."

"You work for her asshole! How can I even trust what the fuck you're saying?!"

"Because i'm all you got."

"I've got my own damn self, that's more than enough for me."

"Damnit Negative, stop being so stubborn and let me help you!"

"Why the sudden change of heart Kai?! Last time I checked, you had me strapped down on a fucking table!"

"Because I feel bad okay?!"

'What? He feels bad for me?'

"I thought that you'd be happy to be by her side again after knowing that she was alive. Now that you have a baby coming, i'd say that this might be the only logical answer. Just side with her. I didn't think it would ever get this bad man, I really didn't."

'He's telling the truth this time...weird.'

"How do you know about me being pregnant?"

"People talk."

"I don't understand, I thought you wanted this."

"I never wanted to see you hurt Negative,"

He takes a deep breath in,

"I like you Negative and honestly i'd love to have you back upstairs."

I giggle,

"You must be stupid to think that i'd ever even consider being with you. You disgust me Kai, and you're just as fucking crazy as that witch. Get the fuck outta here, i'm sick of your face."

"Fine, i'll tell her that you need to think about it, in the meantime eat this."

He rolls an apple through the cell,

"I know it's not much but at least it's something. I'll be back later with more than that."

I wait for him to leave then grab the apple. It was the first thing i've had to eat in days.

'If I keep this up i'll be outta here in no time. To think that he honestly likes me makes me wanna gag. Ha, i'll have him trained like a dog. I just need time.'


"And you're sure about this?"

"Yessir! He just raced up there with a loaded gun about 15 minutes ago!"

"Shit, gather as many men as you can and have them trail him. Make sure they're all armed and wearing their vest. I'll meet him there."

"I had a feeling that he'd do this eventually so I made sure ahead of time that some of them stayed behind to ride with him. I just contacted the rest."

"You're a fucking life saver Fernando! I owe you one."

"No need sir, i'm just doing my job."

"Good, i'll talk to you when I see you."

"Very well sir, good luck."

I hang up the phone and press down harder on the gas.

"Jodido Ricardo. Nunca hace lo que le digo."

(Fucking Ricardo. He never does what I tell him.)

I have no idea were i'm headed but I refuse to slow down.


'Text from Fernando: I have a feeling that you don't know where you're going so i sent you the address, drive safe ;)'

"Once again you save my ass. I really owe you one hombre."

I follow the directions and pull up to the house, lucky for me I pulled up at the same time he did. I grab my keys from the ignition and run over to his car.

"Ricky what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"Who told you that I was here?"

"Answer my question!"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm getting Kaz back."

"I thought we agreed that we'd wait until-"

"No! No more waiting. If she's pregnant then I have to get her back, there's no way in hell that she's raising our child in this place."

'There's no talking him down. Fuck.'

"Ok. What's the plan?"

"No idea."

He and his goons march pass me and bang on the front door,

"Open the damn door or i'll tear it down!"

He continues to pound on it with a balled up fist.

"Llevarlo hacia abajo."

(Take it down.)

His men shoot off the door handle and parade into the house.

"I want everyone looking for her. Tear the whole house apart and kill only if you have too! Find her! Go go go!"

"Si jefa!"

(Yes boss!)

I watch as they all scatter and destroy the place. A few of the maids scream and run away. Some of the guys grab them and ask were Kaz is.

'This is too much. I can't handle this kinda stress.'

For once in my life I have no idea how things will end. I just hope that whatever happens, my hermanita is somewhere safe.