Chapter 59: Decisions

"What the hell was that?"

There's a loud commotion coming from upstairs. There are booming screams followed by multiple heavy footsteps.

'Omigod, are those gunshots? Inside the house?'

Someone's running down the hall,

"Negative! We gotta get outta here!"

"Why? What's going on?"

Kai fumbles with the keys and opens my cell?

"No time to talk. We have to get-"


A gunshot echos through the large basement. Kai holds his stomach and looks at me with pleasing eyes,


He drops to the floor but I don't run. I look at the direction from which the bullet came and see an unfamiliar face. The strange man pulls out a small radio,

"She's down here in the basement boss! I've found her!"

He looks at me and puts his hands up,

"Don't worry ma'am, i'm not gonna hurt you? i'm here to take you back home."

"What's going on?! Who the fuck are you?!"

"Your ticket outta here, now please just come with me."

He grabs my arm. I use the opportunity to grab hold of his gun and point it at him. His face turns pale and his arm are all the way up.

"Who sent you here?"

"Ma'am please, I-"

"You just have to tell me why the hell you're here, then this'll all be over."


His sentence is interrupted by several people crowding around him. They're all armed and it would seem that a few have already used their guns.

"Miss, we need you to please put the weapon on the floor and slide it to us."

'I'm clearly outnumbered, shit!'

I place it down and kick it back to him,

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is happening?"

"I promise that everything will make sense if you just do as we ask."

"No way in hell. I'm not going anywhere with you assholes!"

"Plan b boys. Grab her."

The group of them gran hold of me and press a cloth to my face. I struggle with all my might but the world slows down and my vision gets blurry.

'Chloroform. Damnit, I'm so sick of this shit.'


"I'm way back now. Have the room ready for when we arrive. I also want everyone in that house dead except for the woman in white. Take her to basement for questioning and burn that house to ash."

"Ok, get the room prepared, take woman, kill her staff, brun down the house. Did I miss anything?"

"No, just make it fast."

"You got boss."

I look over at Kazmaria who's sleeping on the passenger side of my car. I just pray that she'll forgive me for taking so long to get to her.

'We'll be home soon mami, just hang in there.'

I speed down the road as three tinted suv's tail me. I'm happy they were with me when I left, if I had showed up alone i'd probably be dead. I really gotta do something for them, they saved my ass.

"Mhm, let me go..."

Kaz whispers to herself as turns in her sleep. I hold onto her hand to try and comfort her,

"It's okay mami, I gotchu. We're going home now."

" lied."

'My poor baby, she still thinks she's in that place.'


This place...i've been here before.

"Back so soon Negative? And here I thought you learned your lesson."

"You. You said that you were dead, you lied."

"My child, I am nothing more than a figment of your imagination. You believed that I was dead, so I told you I was."

"But why? I don't understand why you keep bringing me here. I don't like it."

"You come here when you're scared. I have nothing to do with that."

"I'm not scared of anything, tell me the truth."

"I did. You come here whenever you feel vulnerable or hurt, you come here to talk to me. Somehow you still have a little bit of respect for me, otherwise I wouldn't take on this form."

"So you can change your appearance?"

"Yup, I change into whoever you crave most..."

She stands up and her body starts to change.

"See? Now i'm him."

"I only crave him because I want him dead. He's nothing to me."

"Mhm, not true mami. These forms are who you fear, not who you wanna kill."

"That makes no sense. Why would I ever be..."

'She's right. I'm terrified to face him again. I scared that I might still be in love with him, that I want my child to have a father.'

"But I.."

"You'll figure it out, you always do."

Just like last time my vision starts to fade and I start to come to.

"Damn, my head is pounding."

I sit up and look around the room.

"Oh my god...i'm back?"

I jump up from the bed and sprint towards the bathroom.

'Damn this morning sickness.'

After I get myself together, I notice that all my things are exactly how I left them. Even my toothbrush was still here. I here the door open in the other room,

"Kaz? You still here?"

'It's him.'

I grab my toothbrush and tuck it in my pants. His footsteps get closer and closer until he knocks on the bathroom door,

"Hey babe, when you're done in there come downstairs. There's something I have to talk to you about."

My legs shake as my hand hovers over the handle.

'Get a grip, just get it over with!'

I open the door and grab the toothbrush but before I can jam it in his throat he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest.

"Woah, what the hell Kaz?"

"You asshole! Let me go you monster, I hate you!"

I struggle and kick but he won't let go.

"I know I know, but I swear I wanted to rescue you earlier but Carlos thought we should wait it out. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner."


I begin to cry angry tears,

"You sold me to that witch as a peace settlement! You lied to me about everything!"