Bonus: Too Late To Stop Now

"When you say you love me, you don't mean it. You love the way I make you feel, the way I make you look around others, and the way I look blindly cling onto your every word. You confuse your lust for me with love and it's doing more damage than good."

"What? How could you even say that to me? You know that my love for you is real so why would you ever doubt me?"

"I just told you why. You don't need me, you never did. What you needed was an obedient piece of ass that would make you look good in front of your men. Well bravo, it worked. I'm leaving."

I take my leave but a strong force slams me against the wall. I look up and see that my eyes are met with his dark hazel orbs staring at me like never before. It's the exact same look he gives when he's about to kill and dear god is it horrifying.

"Quiero que pienses en lo que acabas de decir. ¿Crees que si no te amara, aún estarías viva?

(I want you to think about what you just said. Do you think if I didn't love you, you would still be alive?)

He grabs my face with his massive hands and forces me to look him in the eyes. I struggle to escape his grasp but it only intensifies.

"Doubt me again and I'll be forced to make a believer outta you. Do I make myself clear?"

His voice is low, almost like a deep growl. It sends chills down my spine.

I don't respond, I keep my lips tightly pressed together and hold onto his arm in case he tries to choke me.

He lets me go and rubs his temple with his index finger and thumb.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you but you always find a way to get under my damn skin."

"Fuck you, asshole."

He scolds me, "Excuse me?"

"Don't you ever put your fucking hands me again."

He laughs like a maniac and folds his arms. "And if I do?"

I pull out my pistol that I've been keeping in my thigh holster and point it right at his head.

"I'll blow your fucking brains out."

His expression changes from cocky to worried then strangely calm. He takes one step over to me with his long legs and presses his head up against the gun.

"Entonces disparame."

(Then shoot me.)

His eyes are no longer filled with anger but something else...Was is excitement? Does the psycho really want me to kill him? My hand trembles and almost in an instant, he grabs the gun from me, puts me in a choke hold and before I know it, the cold steel is on the side on my head.

"What a shame, I expected more from you, mami."

He releases me and tosses the gun back to me.

"If you're gonna threaten to kill me, at least make sure the fucking gun is loaded."


"How'd you know it wasn't?"

"I've been handling guns before I even lost my virginity."

"Heh, so not that long then?"

He gives me another cold stare.

'Bad joke Kaz...'

He sighs and swiftly runs his hands through his hair, "What are you doing to me woman?"

My body is cover by his massive frame as he picks me and and puts against the wall once more, but this time his eyes shimmer with hunger. My legs wrap around him as he leaves a trail of hot wet kisses along my neck, slowly making his way down. I let out a soft yelp and he nibbles on my collar bone. I bite down on my lip to keep another one from slipping out.

"It's not good for you to hold it in mami. Let me hear your beautiful voice."

'Damn this smooth talking man!'

His hand runs up my thigh and I let out a moan.

"R- Ricardo...."

I pull his shirt up and run my hands all across his perfectly sculpted abs and he groans. I unbuckle his pants and roughly skim the top of his boxer-briefs. I feel something hard poking me through his pants and I push him off of me.

"Uh-huh. I'm not doing this, we're not doing this."


He looks so disappointed with his eyes big and his lip puckered. What a cutie.

"You just proved to me that what I said was right. You just want my body."

He tucks his shirt back in and buttons up his pants but doesn't bother to button up the rest of his shirt that leaves his chest visible, making it hard to focus on what he's saying.

"It's not like that Kaz. You don't get it, do you?"

"No Ricky, I don't. Why don't you explain it to me." I say in the most sarcastic tone and roll my eyes.

"You don't realize the hold you have over me...Yeah you gave me your body, but it seems like I've yet to capture your heart." He looks at me with such sincerity.

'God, I feel like a jackass now.'

"You know that what we did was never part of the plan..."

His facial features change from heartbroken to stone cold. He turns his back to me and starts to leave.

"But..." Just as he turns the doorknob, he stops walking. "But it was the best mistake I've ever made."


I can't see his face but I can hear a slight change in his breathing.

"I may not be able to understand why you love me or even be able to remit those feelings but please don't stop."

He faces me and smirks, "God, I didn't mean it like that you perv! I mean don't stop being so persistent. I may give you hell but you do twice as much and then some."

I sigh, "All I'm saying is, don't stop trying to make me love you Ricky. It's a little too late to stop now."

Without warning, he scoops me up in his strong arms and holds me. My legs dangle off the ground as he rest his head in the crook of my neck. Instead of pushing him off and hitting him, I hug him back. But why? Am I getting used to him already? Why do I let myself get so wrapped up in this man? This beautiful, sexy, dangerous man.

After a moment of embrace, I softly push him off and he sets me back down on the floor as look up at him.

"God, I really don't like how tall you are."

He smiles "You're pretty tall yourself. Too bad you're a shorty compared to me."

"Hey, 5'10 is not short!" I punch his arm and he dramatically holds it.

"I'm 6'6 mami. Let that sink in."

He pats my head as if I were some child. I cross my arms and mumble to myself "Jackass. Don't pat my head like I'm some damn kid."

He chuckles and grabs me by the wrist, "Venga mami. I wanna show you something."