Chapter 2 (2)

Kenzie's view:

"Kenzie Marie Angel, I think I fell in love with you year ago and now seeing you, I have a much stronger sensation to be with you. And I want to be more than a friend."


"Ummm, Kenzie, are you there?" With worry in his eyes, Alexander grabbed my hands to catch my attention.

Immediately I got out of my daze. How could some one confess after not seeing me for 4 years? Is he crazy in that head of his.

"Alexander Adams, we haven't meet in 4 years but you want to be more than friends. How do you expect me to respond to you? Say 'OHMYGOD I LOVED YOU TOO FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS!'" I basically yelled at the top of my lungs.

"No, No, Kenzie your getting it totally wrong. I knew you wouldn't feel the same in that expect but I ask to be more then friends so maybe you can see if you do have romantic feelings for me. Nothing else, I promise." Frantically Alexander said.

" How about this, you take tonight to decide and then announce at the end of the party. Please. I'm begging you, consider it for the night for me, please." He said with the worst look I could ever seen. It was so abnormal that it made me feel pity.

"Fine I will consider it. Now I must go I hear them calling for everyone to sit." With that I speed walk out of the balcony area.


Harper's view:

'So I have a competitor for Kenzie?'

"Mr. Mason?" I turned around to my secretary.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Alexander Adam is the son of Mr. Nando Adam. He is a competitor in our entertainment business but we are stronger than his father. He is the only hire to that company and was even a model under it. He is known as a playboy." Mr Mason reported with the up most respect. " I had let the company know to shake them a little."

"Thank you Mr. Mason, expect a bonus to your monthly pay." I said.

Turning I head inside. Heads turned to my standing, all but one. Her black hair is up with a crown on top. She doesn't have glasses as before and her face is still looks as soft as silk. Her gold gown is wrapped around her, showing her curves with a cut dow the leg that makes it look sexy. She beside her bastard of a father and his ugly step daughter. Compared to her father and step sister she looks like an angel from heaven.

Her step sister is a devil. She has run after me for two years yet doesn't get I don't like her. She has gingered hair that cut in a bob that doesn't look nice. Her eyes are a deep brown that doesn't look as warm as people who say brown eye people have. Her chest was first very small (probably an A cup) and then has these hideous boobs that aren't right for her body as she was cuby in an area. She put these butt implants that made it worst.

While Kenzie had blonde hair, which is now died black which makes her green- blue eyes pop even more. The hair went down to her waist, which had little waves at the end. Her eyes look warm like a lake over a sunset, which I would die at. Her body never changed. Her chest was just right, her waist was small but look normal, her butt was just big enough that you know it's more than average but not fake. She didn't look like plastic which made me even more excited to marry her.


With that everyone started to go to their designated seats. I take out a piece of paper that Mr. Angel gave me. The piece of paper said I was at his family's table. Looking up I quickly see where Kenzie and her fathers family is.

Rushing over I greet them.

"Hello Everybody, I'm Harper Madison. Nice to meet you all."

"OHMYGOD, it's Harper! Harper come right here the..... Owww! What was that for!" Penelope screamed.

Dang her voice is annoying.

"Penelope, sweetheart, no need to to scream. Mr. Madison can sit where ever he choose to." Her father explained to her.

"Mr. Madison, Penelope is both right and wrong, there is a seat next to her, but she she shouldn't be getting to excited. You may sit in any available seat." Mr. Angel said.

"Okay, it's alright, I will just here." I said. I took the seat that was originally meant for me. Right beside me is Kenzie. I haven't been so close to her in so long. Even though it was so long, she looks the same. The only thing was the blonde hair. She died it but I really do like it. I see her eyes better now. She was talking to a person on her phone. It sounded like someone really close. While in my dazed, she hanged up her phone. Like slow-mo she turned to face me. Those deep blue-green eyes had me trapped. In an elegant voice she greeted me,

"Hello Mr. Madison, I'm Kenzie Angel. It's nice to meet you." While holding up her hand for me to shake. I take it but I turn so her palm was on mine and kissed it.

" Nice to meet you too Miss Kenzie." I said in a husky voice.

"I'm sorry have we meet before?" She quickly question me. "You seem like a boy I meet a while ago in a bookstore once. You both look the same."

"Yes, I recalled meeting someone that was like you but she had blonde hair. Did you have blonde hair any chance years ago?"

"Yes, I did." She respond with a cheeky smile. A fainted dimple showed on the side of her smile. It made my heart flutter. Suddenly a strong feeling in my heart, like a feeling to protect it forever in this life and the next.