Chapter 2 (3)

Kenzie's View:

"Yes, I did." I respond with a cheeky smile. For some reason I had this argent feeling that this will be an important person to but how is that possible? I only just started to know him.

To my luck the food had arrived. I of course it's not even something I can have but that's what I get for having someone like my dad.

"Thank you sir." I say to the waiter

"My pleasure, madam."

I stare at my plate. The meat is covered a garlic butter which I can't have due to my allergies to milk. To try getting around it, I start eating the salad.

"Is everything all right?" Mr.Madison asked, silencing the table.

"Ummm, yeah I'm fine I just can't eat the meat. I can't have the butter on it since I'm allergic to milk and I don't want to take a risk. I can eat the salad, thank you have the concern Mr. Madison."

"First, Kenzie, please call me Harper as we are on good terms." Harper said. "Second Mr. Angel, Kenzie, is your daughter, you should know she can't have milk. Why include an ingredient if she's is allergic?"

"Harper, Kenzie, let me apologize. I will have the waiter come and get." My step sister panicked. She's probably happy to say Harper's attention.

" Waiter, come replace my sister's plate with a new steak without the butter!"

"MISS PENELOPE! DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SAY MY NAME!" Harper yelled like an angry beast awaken.

Bewildered by his yell, my sister started to cry. Quickly my dad escorted my sister to a room the grand place.

"Mr.Maddison, I apologize for Penelope's behavior, if you haven't noticed she took a liken to you but doesn't understand that you don't feel the same. If you excuse me, I'll escort her to a room to cool down." my father said with worry.

"Fine, take that bastard of a step daughter away from me. I don't want to see her again !"

Is he pouting? The dude is like 25! This is to weird.

"Mr. Madison, please clam down. Penelope is leaving so there's no worry."

"It's Harper."


"I said my name is Harper not Mr. Madison."

"Umm..... okay, Harper, why didn't you just let Penelope call you by your name?"

"Because she's to much of idiot to be allowed to call me Harper."

Me: ( ̄ー ̄)

Author: ( ̄ー ̄)

Everyone who listen in: (O_O)

Okay. There's to many weirdos in this party.

"Madam, your steak is here." A the same waiter from before came.

"Thank you sir."

Seeing that theirs no milk substances in my meal, I pick up my fork and started to eat. As me and Mr. Maddison [1] ate the air from his comment started to ease, an announcement came.


Applauds started to surround the room. The problem is my father is still with Penelope. Quickly looking around I spot Alexander trying to jester that we should take the floor. About to get up to meet him on the floor. Someone pulled me from my daze.

"May you please have this dance with me?"

Turning to the husky voice, I look up to see Harper holding up his hand. When I was about to say that I was going to dance with someone else, he pulled my hand and guided me to the floor.

Now in the enter of attention I must dance with him. The music started to play. The waltz was on. I was timeless to me. The only person I had cared about taught me to dance to this. My grandfather would always dance away with me to this. I would laugh and giggle. To bad that all ended when my parents divorced and he had a heart attack. The sad memories made my smile disappear.

Suddenly I feel someone guide me around the room walking to the song.,,,, me and Harper danced to the waltz. I look up at him.

Looking close he has jet black hair, blue eyes like the ocean, and a sharp jaw line compare to now other. As I stare deep into the ocean eyes, I felt warmth, bringing a bright smile on my face. When I smile I saw that he smiled back. Before I know it ends but I feel something new inside me, maybe happiness or something more but I never want it to stop.