Chapter 15

Meanwhile, Leaf was watching Lucifer Dragon and Luna while I was busy with Blue. "Hrr!" She whispers to herself, luckily she knows what she says but to the untrained ear it sounds like a hrr.

"Did I just hear a hrr?" Lucifer Dragon asked out loud, turning around to look behind him, Luna still in his arms. Leaf hides behind a potted plant and turns into a clay statue. "Must be my imagination." He said, turning back around towards a door, opening it, walking into the room.

Leaf quickly follows, "Hrrrr!" she says to herself, looking around the room for a shelf or table to land on. Leaf watches as Lucifer Dragon sets Luna on a bed in the middle of the room. She flies over and lands next to Luna on the bed, immediately turning into a clay statue.

"What is this thing doing here? It wasn't here a moment ago." Lucifer Dragon said, picking up Leaf and setting her on a table on the left side of the room. Leaf sneezes, releasing a puff of smoke from her nose. "What the-" he says, shocked. Leaf leaves her clay statue state and looks up at Lucifer Dragon. She waves hello since he won't be able to understand her if she talks in dragontongue. Leaf is moving slowly so he can see her. "What are you?" He says, confused.

Leaf grabs a random notepad and pencil and writes, "I'm a dragon." It's in perfect English.

"Woah... Did that dragon just talk to me?" He asks himself. Leaf nods slowly, answering his question even though it wasn't directed at her. "That's cool...what brings you here?" He asks Leaf, curiously.

Leaf then writes, "Chara told me to keep an eye on you and Luna. Oh and my name is Leaf."

"Hmm...okay." He says, picking up Leaf and setting her beside Luna. Leaf then pulls out a small pouch full of flowers. She pulls one out and examines it.

"This should give Luna some strength." She writes on the notepad. Leaf takes a deep breath and breathes out a breath of smoke before moving the flower underneath Luna's nose. Luna breathes in the scent of the flower and her eyes flutter open.

"Woah, Luna?! Are you okay?" He asks, worried

"Yes, what happened?" Luna asked, confused.

Leaf sneezes, releasing a puff of smoke from her nose and says, "Hrrrrrrr!" Then she remembers that Lucifer Dragon can't understand her so she writes out what she said, "You regained your strength, well some of it thanks to my strength flower!"

"Thank you Leaf!" Luna said, grabbing the small dragon. Leaf smiles at Luna.

Leaf writes, "We should go check on Chara. She might be hurt or in pain!" Leaf fidgets with her tail after setting down the pencil and notepad, she is clearly worried about me. Leaf, Luna, and Lucifer Dragon reach the room I'm in. "Blue?" Luna says upon entering the room before spotting me asleep against the big undead dragon. "Is that tiny little dragon Chara?" Luna gasps.

I open my eyes and look up at Luna. "Luna!" I squeak, jumping up and down. Luna then sets Leaf down and picks me up.

"You're a tiny little dragon!" Luna says, smiling. I jump out of her arms and shift back to my Demon-Angel form.

"Ah! Much better!" I pet Blue's snout before picking up Leaf and setting her on my shoulder. "I do believe I have a concert to go to. Luna? You ready?" I ask and Luna nods. The two of us return to Wolfy's Diner and hop in the corvette and I begin driving to Nashville.