Chapter Three: The Awakening of the Darkness

There was light ringing echoing in my ears as my eyes slowly started to open. It felt as if my entire body was stiff, and I saw blurs of what was supposed to be in the room hanging above me. I blinked a few times to help adjust my eyes, seeing the view in front of me finally start to make a picture in my head. I saw the ceiling and the lights, and I held my hand to my head as I slowly sat up. The light in the room was dim and had a yellow tint to it and I couldn't see much of the room; there were no widows. All I could see was the black figure of a person. "Hello, who is there?" I asked. I started tip toeing closer to the figure.

"No stay there." the person said.

"Who are you?" I asked the figure.

"My name isn't important." he said.

"Well I have to call you something," I said. "So what should I call you?" I asked.

"I don't really know my name, I've been here most of my life. I just don't have a name. It's because of my darkness bursts, I can't control them." he said.

"Well do you have a name you have always wanted to be called?" I asked.

"Well…." he said and paused. "I have a name, but it's silly." he said in embarrassment.

"Tell me, please." I begged mercifully.

"Cole Marcus Adair, I know, it's silly." he said, his face a little red.

"No, no, I love it. I'm…." I said as I paused in thought. "Wait, you have dark bursts too?"

"Yes, you do too?"

"Yeah, but it just started right before I came here." "But anyways, what is your name again?" he asked.

"It's…. Not important" I said.

"No, no. You made me tell you my name, you have to tell me your's." he said.

"My name is…." I said as I got interrupted by a door opening.

"Time for our feeding?" he asked Ace who just came through the only door in the room, that we could barely see.

"Yes, but today is the day you guys get out. You get to be free in this world, rule side by side, with Weylyn and I as your council. You will have to listen to us at all times." he said.

"Hey, I like the new look." Weylyn said walking through the door.

"What are you talking about?" I said as I looked down and noticed I was wearing a black gown with a strapless choker transparent top, and a puffy under bottom that ran down to my ankles. I ran out to find a mirror, there was one right outside the door.

One half of my hair was black, the other half was red. I looked into my eyes, and were like fire, like anger had taken control of them and their color, my eyes are now a fire red. It's as if hell could live inside them, more like hell took hold of my body and lives there.

"You need a proper meal, you must be famished, I will go get you something." Weylyn said walking away.

"While she is getting you food, we need to talk about living arrangements. We have picked a few castles, all are good for your look. Just pick which one you think you are staying in, but whatever choice you make will be perimint, so choose wisely." Ace said, gave me a book full of photos of the inside and outside of castles, then walked away.

After looking through all of them, only one felt right. "I think the second one is the best one, it just feels right." Cole said.

"I feel the same way." I said. The second castle had a rustic old look to it, like from a movie. It had stone walls and the wood looked rotted out. The door was small and narrow.

"So, made a choice?" Ace asked.

"The second one." I said.

"Okay, I will send a message out that it is yours." Ace said and walked into another room.

Weylyn walked in with two bowls of what looked like tomato soup, but I could tell it wasn't. "Here you are, eat up, you have a big day tomorrow." She said.

I took a sip from the bowl. "This is really good, what is it?" I asked.

"Blood." She said without a flinch. I choked on it, and Cole didn't seem to be bothered by it, or even surprised. "Drink up, big day tomorrow." she said. I don't know what she meant by big day, but all I could care about was the fact that I tasted blood, but it was good and finished the entire bowl. "So, have we chosen your name yet?" She asked Cole.

"My name is Cole Marcus Adair." he said.

"Excellent choice Cole. Now, I will clean up and Ace will show you your room." she said.

"Come with me." Ace said. He had a torch, and led us down the hall to one of the rooms. "This is where you two will be sleeping tonight."

"As in we are sleeping in the same room?" I asked. Ace rolled his eyes and walked away. Cole looked at me up and down. "Don't get any ideas."

"I wasn't thinking anything, what are you talking about?" he said as he giggled.

There was a bathroom connected to the room, so I took a shower. I felt the warm water going over my skin.