Chapter Five: It’s Just A Dream

I saw him, Al, we were sitting in the learning room. We were happy, laughing at each other's jokes. Then he said something that made me really sad.

"We were so close, look at us, having fun and laughing. Then you killed me. Why did you do that Kenna? Why?" then he started screaming at me, yelling "Why did you do that?" over, and over, and over again.

"Stop it Al, please stop, stop! This is just a dream, it's just a dream, it's just a dream." I repeated over and over again, while covering my ears. Until finally, I broke into tears and yelled. "I had no choice!" it echoed through the room, and he stopped yelling.

"We always have a choice." He said and then started bleeding from his head and mouth, he started choking. I couldn't move to help him. He fell to the ground and died, and his body vanished. I looked down at my right hand and in it was a blood covered piece of glass from the vase that I broke.

Then I woke up. I immediately sat up and I could barely breathe. My hands were on fire and my eyes were pitch black for a few seconds, then the fire went out and my eyes went back to blood red.

I was in a room with wallpaper and bed sheets with pink flowers, an old rusted white painted bed frame, and a rocking chair that Cole fell asleep in. He heard me gasping for air and jolted awake.

"Hey, you're ok, it was just a dream. You're safe now." He said, wrapping his arms around my head. Suddenly I could breathe, like he gave me the air I needed just by a few words.

"I love you." I said, and then realized those words came out of my mouth.

"Wow, the girl said it first, I'm surprised. I took you as the non-feelingy type. You couldn't supersses it anymore?" I gave him a look as if I was just breaking on the inside. "But I love you too." I blushed, giggled, and continued with a different conversation.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"It's twelve thirty PM." He said yawning.

"Wait twelve thirty! It was one o-clock when I passed out." I realized.

"Yeah, it's Sunday." He said stretching.

"Sunday, but wasn't it just Friday?" I asked.

"Yeah, for your first few weeks with this power it drains your energy, so you need…." He said as I interrupted him.

"More sleep, yeah, got it." I said. "Why do I still feel so light headed?" I said as Darmin walked through the door.

"Because you need to eat. I have blood boiling down stairs." He said as if it was completely normal.

"Are we doing blood every meal for the rest of our lives, or are we going to have something different every week or what?" I asked, trying to say as nice as possible.

"I mean, sometimes you will eat raw meat, but only for special occasions. Like holidays, or a meeting." He said.

"Oh ok. Wait raw meat!?!" I exclaimed as he walked out the door.

I walked downstairs and drank the blood. There were a few whispers, until I finally asked what they were whispering about.

Weylyn cleared her throat."Umm." She said being hesitant to say it.

"Come on. Spit it out already." I said annoyed.

"You are stronger than Cole, who has been practicing his magic for most of his life." she said scared.

"And? Come on, there has to be more to it than that." I said.

"If one is stronger than the other and they get upset or angry, then there's a chance that the weaker one could get hurt or even killed trying to calm the stronger one down. We thought it would be you both have equal strength, but we were wrong." Darmin said.

"I see, but I can control my temper, so you don't have to worry about me." I said.

"Bad dreams can cause you magic to go out of control as well." Weylyn said.

"Well we can deal with that when we get around to that happening." I said.

"But when you woke up earlier you…." Weylyn said as I interrupted her, put my hand up, and looked at him.

"Don't, that was a one time thing." I said as I put my hand up.

"You don't know that Love." Cole said. "What if at some point you have a bad dream and not only burn the castle down, but you light yourself on fire as well. One wrong move and it can cost everything."

I didn't know what to say, with Cole's faceshall expression. So I just stayed silent, sipped the rest of my blood, and then went outside on the porch to get some fresh air. A few minutes later Cole came out to the porch as well and gave me a hug from behind, I turned around and kissed him. He smiled. "I love you." He said his face turned a bit red. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you too." I said, then he kissed me. We went back into the house.

"Guys we have a problem." Weylyn said.

"What is it?" I asked, holding onto Cole's arm.

"Someone is here, they just pulled in." Weylyn said.

Darmin came into the room with a gun and loaded it. Cole started walking towards them, and I let go of his arm and didn't move. They were standing right infront of the door that lead to the outside. Cole started whispering to Weylyn and Darmin.

"She doesn't know how to control it." Cole whispered.

"She doesn't need to control it, she just needs to use it." Darmin whispered back.

"But she doesn't even know how to do that." Cole whispered a bit louder. I stud in the middle of the room trying hard to breathe, it was like I was having or about to have a panic attack or something. They all three look at me as if I was the reason that a person was here. I looked around the room in a panic. "Kenna, calm down, you're okay, you don't have to do a thing." Cole said. Then I fell to the floor. I felt weak, but why, I haven't used my powers or anything.

"Guys, this guy has guns." Weylyn said.

Darmin walked over to me. "Come on, get up, we need you." he said. "Use what motivates your power."

"But I don't know what that is." I said confused.

"Isn't it obvious? Anger." He said. I got up and stood there. Then, shots were fired. Bullets flying everywhere. "Weylyn, you know what to do." He yelled over the gun shot sounds. She walked over to me.

"Remember how we made you kill Al right after he confessed his love to you, and how Ace made you even more angry about it by saying 'what took you so long'." She said, I was getting a bit mad.

"What are you trying to do?" I asked. Cole ran over to the window and used his magic to help Darmin.

"I mean don't you think there is a next kill we will want you to make, maybe your family like your Nana Faith, or maybe we will just make you kill Cole next." She yelled.

"Stop it." I told her. She looked over at Cole, and Cole looked back at her. Him thinking on how else he could help get me angry. He stood up and walked to the door, and then opened it. He got shot twice, once in the shoulder and once in the leg, he fell in pain. I rushed over, the guy tried shooting at me, but just before the bullet hit me, I put my hand up and it stopped in the air. I pushed my hand forward, extending my arm, and the bullet went the other way towards the guy and it hit him. I stood up and yelled at him. Walking down the six porch steps slowly. "If you ever come near us again, know what, if I even see your face again I will kill you. Now leave. Leave before I do something I know I will regret." I put my hand up again and he got back in his carriage and left as fast as he could.

It took Cole ten days to heal and right when he was better we left.