Kinu is back


A week passes of normal classes.

"Ren? Where is Takeshi?" The headmistress walks up to Ren during lunch.

"I haven't seen him since class, why?" Ren looks back with slight worry hiding in her eyes.

"Don't worry about it," the headmistress rushes off. A few minutes pass and the intercom crackles alive.

"Immediately go to the safe room closest to your area. There is a monster loose in the building. I repeat, go to the safe room closest to your area. Do not approach it. Go to the closest safe room. This is not a drill," It crackles then goes silent. A loud crash comes from the lunch courtyard's main door leading inside and suddenly Kinu barges in, a large knife in his hand. Everyone freezes, trying to figure out how to escape considering he was blocking the only entrance back into the school that lead to a safe room.

"You're all going to pay," he growls as he starts to smirk. As he rolls his neck, a crackling noise fills the room, followed by a low grumble. Kinu makes his way towards the closest person near him, which happened to be Ren. She takes a few steps back before hitting her back against a tree. He walks up to her and holds the knife up to her neck.

"A friend tells me you're the closest to Takeshi. I'll kill you the slowest," Kinu growls with a big smirk.

"No, you won't touch her," a deep, inhuman growl comes from across the courtyard by the door. Ren lets out a gasp as her eyes meet with the voice's source. A tall male human-like creature with glowing green eyes, large feathered bird-like wings, and two large horns curving inwards on top of its head, a long dragon-like tail, long black hair, and long finger nails stares back at Ren.

"Now release her and let's fight like the monsters we are," it growls, moving its eyes and looking at Kinu.

"So you decided to show. Wonderful," Kinu lets go of Ren then turns to face it.

"Bite me," it almost laughs.

"Will do," Kinu charges at it but it flies up into the air then flies back down and slams Kinu into the ground with its feet.

"I am a demon. How do you think you will win? Or is it just a suicide mission?" It growls as it picks Kinu up and throws him across the courtyard.

"A demon against a clone. I'll take my chances," Kinu laughs as he stands up and charges at it again. It flips him onto his back easily.

"Stop wasting your energy. It's a waste of your time," it growls before throwing him into the air then flying up and grabbing him.

"Move humans," as it looks down at all of the students, they quickly move towards the edges of the courtyard.

"You waste my time. That's all you've ever done Kinu. I'm tired of you. It's your fault that you destroyed yourself," it quietly growls at Kinu.

"If you kill me, you and your human friends down there will all suffer. And trust me, the others will know," Kinu growls back.

"I'm protecting them. I'm not human, remember? I am nowhere close to being human. I never will be. They just don't know that," it growls quietly before quickly flying towards the ground and slamming Kinu into the ground.

"You son of a…." before Kinu could finish his sentence, it had sucked all of the blood out from his body by a bite on the neck. The headmistress suddenly runs into the courtyard and freezes in her tracks at the sight of it and the dead Kinu on the ground, It picks Kinu up by a leg then drags him over to the headmistress. As soon as it drops Kinu onto the ground in front of her, it takes off into the sky with its wings, leaving everyone completely shocked.