A wolf is supposed to stay close to their master

Wed. con't.

"I just wanted to check in on you, and also I was wondering if Takeshi was here," Ren stood in the living room of Takeshi's house talking to Arhiyan.

"No, haven't seen him all day," as soon as Arhiyan speaks, Ren can hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Is it ok if I run upstairs to go to the bathroom?" Ren glances up the stairs and notices dim light creeping through the crack under Takeshi's door.

"Yeah sure," Arhiyan walks into the kitchen and starts to clean the already cleaned room as Ren makes her way up the stairs. Once she reaches the top of the stairs, she double checks that Arhiyan can't see her then makes her way towards Takeshi's room. She carefully cracks open the door only to be greeted by large, feathered black wings on the bed over something, kind of acting like a turtle shell.

"Takeshi?" Fear fills Ren as she quietly steps into the room and carefully closes the door behind her. A large growl mixed with a groan comes from underneath the turtle shell made of large, black raven-like feathers.

"Takeshi… Is that you?" She takes a careful step towards the bed.

"Don't," a low growl comes from underneath the wings.

"Why not?" She takes another step towards the bed.

"I said not to. You don't want to see me. No one does," the wings move closer together.

"It's still you though Takeshi," by now, Ren was just guessing that it was him.

"Ren, don't come any closer," a quick, sharp growl erupts.

"I want to help you," she dares to take another step closer to him. The wings begin to move and a boy with golden eyes and medium long, messy black hair gets off of the bed. Its feet are large and like a raven's feet.

"You're not…" Ren takes a quick step back away from him once she realizes that it isn't Takeshi. She notices a black marking on the side of his face as she takes another step back.

"He told you to leave. Why didn't you leave?" The boy growls.

"You would've never known. You would've never seen me. You would've never known that I existed," he growls and takes a few steps towards her. She continues to step backwards until her back hits the wall.

"Please, I'm sorry. I… I just needed to talk to Takeshi…" Ren's voice nearly cracks as fear fills her body.

"Now I understand. It's your fault," he glares at her as his hands lightly twitch.

"What? What is?" Ren's eyes scan the room.

"Stupid human. You would never understand. You can't even realize who you are talking to," The boy growls before turning and walking back towards the bed.

"Takeshi! Maiman is home!" Arhiyan yells up the stairs, thinking that Ren is gone.

"Stay here," the black haired boy glares at Ren then rushes out of the room, his big, feathered wings barely hitting anything on the way out.

"Oh the heavens smile on me," a girl with long blondish white hair and dark red eyes stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"You're safe," The boy with black hair rushes down to her and pulls her close as Ren peeks down the stairs.

"A wolf is supposed to stay close to their master," the girl glares at the boy.

"I had, things, to do," the boy looks away from her.

"Kinu, yes, I know," the girl rolls her eyes.

"He was a threat," the boy growls in response.

"Oh, Ren came by earlier. She was looking for you. When are you going to admit that you like that girl Takeshi?" Arhiyan yells from the kitchen.

"Whenever I've admitted it in my head," the boy grumbles back.

"You're weak, aren't you?" The girl gives the boy an annoyed look.

"That's why I haven't changed back," the boy glances at the stairs.

"You can have some of my energy," the girl rolls her eyes again then pulls the boy close and he bites her neck. The boy's black hair slowly turns white and his wings slowly disappear. As he opens his eyes, they're no longer golden and his feet change to human feet.

"There, that's my Takeshi," the girl smiles at the boy.

"I feel better being back," he smirks back. "I'll be right back for dinner," Takeshi runs back up the stairs then to his room.

"Takeshi," Ren could barely catch her breath from what she just witnessed.

"Ren. You saw, didn't you?" Takeshi stood in the doorway instead of the boy.

"The boy, with black hair, was you, wasn't he?" Ren looks up and locks eyes with him.

"Yes," he breaks their eye contact.

"I just wanted to help. That's it," Ren looks out of the window.

"You wouldn't be able to help unless you were willing to die," Takeshi walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

"And the girl downstairs, that's Maiman?" Ren looks back over at him.

"Yes. She can change form, like me," he doesn't look back at her.

"You, you were the one who saved me from Kinu. That was you, right?" Ren walks up to him.

"Yes. That's why…" he starts.

"You're so tired. I understand. Takeshi, thank you," Ren gives him a small smile.

"And whenever you plan on telling me about everything. From the beginning without any lies, I'll be able, and willing, to listen. But, I'd prefer you don't talk to me until then. This is all just, too much for me," she walks around him and opens the door. "School break is coming soon, so, it shouldn't be that hard to not talk to me," she walk out of the room and out of the house.

"When were you planning on telling me that she was listening?" Takeshi screams from the top of the stairs after Ren leaves.

"When were you going to tell me that she could see you in human form? Or is this new?" He runs down the stairs and growls at Maiman who sat on the kitchen counter.

"Takeshi…" Maiman lets out a long sigh.

"I don't want to hear it. You never understand. It's all lies," he growls then turns and runs out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

"Teenage boys," Maiman growls with another long sigh.