
Wed. con't.

"Why hello there, the name's Ryland," a boy Ren's age stands, leaning against a wall of a building.

"And you must be Ren," the boy smirks and walks over to Ren as she continues to walk past him.

"Leave me alone," Ren growls.

"We should talk," Ryland steps in front of her, his medium long, messy blonde hair slipping in front of his light brown eyes.

"I don't even know you, leave me alone," she growls and tries to walk around him.

"But I know you. Takeshi thinks about you a lot you know? More than he thinks about his little pet," Ryland laughs and pushes Ren against a wall.

"Leave me the hell alone and let go of me. I'm done living with his stupid lies stuck in my head," Ren growls and tries to escape his grasp but fails.

"What if I could tell you the truths to all of his lies?" Ryland leans close to her face.

"Are you a demon or something? I don't want to make any deals," she glares at him.

"No. No deals. I just want to help you out," he smirks in response. One part of Ren wants desperately to know the truth but the second part can care less.

"Here, I'll show you that there's no deals," his eyes sparkle.

"He's not human. Not completely. And Maiman isn't completely a wolf. Their lives are lies," he smiles then lets go of Ren.

"Why should I trust you?" She growls.

"You saw everything. He wasn't human. When he fought Kinu. When he was in his room that you weren't supposed to go into. You saw Maiman as a human. The girl with long blonde, or white, hair was, is, her," he takes a step backwards away from Ren with an evil grin on his face.

"He already practically admitted this. Why are you repeating it?" She glares at him.

"To prove that it's all the truth. Takeshi isn't innocent. He's killed monsters and humans. I could almost promise you that he doesn't actually care about you. He's just following his orders. So, if you want to know more, give me a call, or scream, or sacrifice, I don't care," he winks then suddenly disappears.

"What the hell just happened?" Ren stares at where the boy had just stood. "How should I trust what he told me? How am I supposed to believe him that he knows more?"

"You're not. You should, but you don't have to trust or believe me," Ryland randomly appears next to her.

"Then why are you bothering with me?" She quickly turns and locks eyes with him.

"That's what he does. It's the only way he can get close to you," Takeshi's voice comes out of nowhere.

"Brother. Let's not start this. As much as I want to, I don't think your little girlfriend here would like to see you torn apart," Ryland smirks at the sound of Takeshi's voice.

"She's not my girlfriend and I would bet that she could care less," Takeshi growls back.

"Awe, how cute. At least you know the truth," Ryland turns to face a large black werewolf with nearly glowing gold eyes.

"Leave her alone," Takeshi's voice comes from the large werewolf but as he speaks, the wolf's mouth doesn't move.

"You must really trust her Takeshi, she gets to see your werewolf form. And you let her see your demon form. Oh. And let's not forget about how she walked into your room and saw you basically naked. Just you in your original form. Your helpless, disgusting, form," Ryland smirks and pulls Ren close to his chest, catching her off guard.

"I said, leave, her, alone!" The werewolf loudly growls then lunges at Ryland. He drops Ren and disappears as soon as the werewolf touches his shirt.

"Don't show her your killer side brother. It's not very pretty," Ryland chuckles from the roof of a building next to them then suddenly disappears and reappears with Ren in his arms on the roof.

"Take another step and she's no longer human," large fangs grow from Ryland's open mouth as he talks.

"You do that, and it'll be the last thing you'll ever see," the werewolf growls.

"Oh, well no fun. I must go. Duty is calling. Being a leader can be annoying," Ryland suddenly disappears, leaving Ren stumbling forward towards the edge of the roof. She trips, sending her flying off of the roof.

"Ren. Wake up. Please," Takeshi's voice fills Ren's ears.

"Mhhh… What happened?" She slowly opens her eyes to see Takeshi standing over her as she's lying in his room on this bed.

"You fell asleep," he glances out the window.

"Don't lie to me. That's why I'm in this mess," Ren quickly growls at Takeshi.

"You fell off the roof and passed out as soon as I, I mean the werewolf, caught you in my arms, I mean, its arms," he doesn't look at her.

"So, you being in werewolf form, caught me when I fell off the roof, correct?" She looks over at him as she sits up on his bed.

"Yes," he looks down at the floor.

"Come here," she pats the bed next to her.

"What?" He looks up at her.

"We both need to sleep before tomorrow. Come here so we can sleep," she leans forward and grabs the collar of his shirt. "Plus, I need to say thank you, and show you that you can trust me," she pulls him onto the bed then crawls on top of him.

"Ren…" Takeshi's eyes search Ren's.

"Shh. Don't make me change my mind. You know how I am," she leans in and kisses him on the lips. He carefully wraps his arms around her waist as they continue to kiss.

"Ren. You don't want to have anything to do with me," as Takeshi stops kissing her, he looks away.

"I do, otherwise I wouldn't be here," she grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him back into another kiss.