I'll expose what you are to the whole school

Mon. con't.

"Wow! Look at us! We're already level two! How easy was that?" Kinu laughs as he runs up and sits with Takeshi who sat alone at a lunch table.

"Yeah," Takeshi stays quiet, cautiously studying the boy in front of him.

"Why are you so quiet? Oh yeah! You don't know my name! I'm Kinu. You're Takeshi, right?" The boy laughs.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, Kinu," the name sounds weird coming off of Takeshi's tongue.

"You're so quiet! I don't like it! Plus you get to have a pet at school! So not fair," Kinu whines, glancing at Maiman.

"She is not a pet. Dare to call her that again and I'll expose what you are to the whole school," Takeshi looks Kinu in the eyes and growls quietly.

"Wh... Wha…. What… What in the world… are you talking about?" Kinu suddenly gets nervous.

"You know what I'm talking about. I knew as soon as I saw you run, you copied me. Same with the fighting. You copied me. In fact, you copied me exactly. You copied my movements, my breathing, but not what I saw. You didn't notice my eyes, what I could see, how I saw straight through your disguise," Takeshi keeps eye contact with Kinu.

"Dude, you're one great hunter, but I'm just human," Kinu lightly laughs.

"Let me continue. You're young. You're learning. You make mistakes. Like not covering up your tracks. You know what I think you are?" Takeshi lets out a small laugh that sends chills down Kinu's back.

"Wh…" Kinu starts.

"I think you're a Clone. You know, those things that copy their prey until they kill it and become it," Takeshi sits back and watches Kinu's reaction. Kinu suddenly turns on his defense mode, quickly standing up and pointing a gun at Takeshi's head.

"Well, great. You blew my cover. Thanks," Kinu snarls as Takeshi calmly stands up.

"Shouldn't we be more civilized?" Takeshi pulls out a silver sword from his bag.

"My pleasure. Give the audience a show for when I cut you into pieces," Kinu's gun turns to a sword and he quickly swings at Takeshi who jumps into the tree above them to avoid the hit.

"If you're going to fight with a sword, don't go on impulse and emotions. Same with any other weapon. It just jumbles up your mind and screws you up," Takeshi jumps onto the grass of the lunch courtyard behind Kinu.

"Shut up! I could just copy you and beat you!" Kinu turns to face him.

"But then you wouldn't cut me cause I wouldn't cut you on purpose," Takeshi laughs as a crowd develops around them.

"Oh my, you're so annoying!" Kinu screams and lunges at Takeshi.

"Another lesson to be taught. Don't lunge at people, or your prey. They can use your energy against you if they know how. Kinda… like… this," Takeshi flips Kinu onto his back.

"I hate you!" Kinu stands up again and rushes at Takeshi who jumps over him and lands on the table next to his backpack.

"I didn't know you had feelings. Monsters, I mean," Takeshi laughs, stepping down onto the grass. Kinu suddenly runs at Takeshi again.

"Energy, remember?" Takeshi laughs and throws Kinu into the air.

"Now, the opponent has a sword, correct?" He looks at a random student standing in the crowd of students from the Level 1 class. The student nods yes.

"Wrong. The opponent doesn't have a weapon. It's best to take it away when it's in the air," Takeshi points at the tree where Kinu's sword is stabbed into the wood.

"Energy," he smirks at the student as he puts his foot on Kinu's back after slamming him face first into the ground. Takeshi pulls Kinu's arms behind his back and ties them together then ties Kinu's ankles together as well.

"What in the world happened here?" Mr.Himu pushes his way through the crowd with a few other teachers.

"Oh, Mr.Himu! Nice to see you sir," Takeshi smiles at Mr.Himu.

"Answer my question Mr.Ryuu!" Mr.Himu walks over to Takeshi and Kinu who still laid on the ground with Takeshi's foot holding him down.

"Well Mr.Himu, I'm surprised that you were blind enough not to see what's going on, but, I guess I'll explain," Takeshi sighs then turns to Maiman.

"Stand on him please, so he doesn't get up," he smiles at the wolf who walks over and stands on Kinu's back as Takeshi pulls his foot off of him.

"You see, Kinu here is a Clone. You know, the things that copy their prey. But unfortunately for this Clone, his prey knows a thing or two about his species. So I was trying to figure out how to deal with this situation when he goes and decides to say something about my Maiman. I simply confronted him, he got defensive, tried to attack me, and I taught the crowd a few things as I let Kinu tire himself out, making it easy for me to take him down using his own energy," Takeshi walks over and pulls Kinu's sword out of the tree.

"How did you figure out he was a Clone?" One of the other teachers asks.

"Kinu here, didn't cover up his tracks. He was careless. I guess it just didn't click in his head that one of his classmates might know a thing or two," he shrugs in response.

"But how did you figure it out?" The teacher asks again.

"Since he was careless, he gave slightly obvious signs. He first caught my eye when he ran exactly right next to me the whole time we ran laps. Key word? Exactly. He copied my breathing and my leg strides. He copied how my feet hit the ground and how I moved my arms. Then, during the practice fighting, he did exactly the same thing. Key word again? Exactly. He copied my exact fighting moves, my breathing, how my body moved, how I fought, exactly. So again, I know my stuff. He didn't know that part about me. He didn't copy my eyes. He didn't see how I watched him. He didn't see anything that my eyes were watching. Again, he was careless," Takeshi shrugs and drops his sword into his bag and continues to hold Kinu's sword in his hands.

"Wow. You're amazing!" One of the other teachers laughs.

"No, I just know some stuff. Not amazing. Eventually all of them will know what I know. Not exactly though," Takeshi laughs in response.

"Plus, they're already starting to learn. No thanks to Kinu," he sighs and looks at Mr.Himu who was deep in thought.

"Mr.Himu?" Another teacher taps him on the shoulder.

"Hurry up and take it, out of here. Takeshi, come with me. All of you others? Get back to lunch! You only have a few minutes left," Mr.Himu suddenly snaps back from thinking. The crowd disperses after the teachers take Kinu away. Takeshi and Maiman follow Mr.Himu inside the school.