Headmistress Tarenia

Mon. con't.

After walking through the school halls for a little while, they reach a fancy door with a small sign reading "Head Mistress". Mr.Himu leads Takeshi inside.

"Well Mr.Himu, what was the disturbance about?" A tall fancy dressed woman with long blonde hair stood at a big window overlooking the lunch courtyard.

"A Clone had posed as a student and one of the other students figured it out and took action when there was no other options. The Clone had become hostile and the other student took it down without hurting anyone or anything except a slight dent in the tree," Mr.Himu glances at Takeshi.

"And the student you brought in here is the one who took action?" The woman turns and faces them, her light green eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

"Yes ma'am," Mr.Himu nods.

"He is the new student yes?" She looks Takeshi up and down.

"Yes ma'am," Mr.Himu nods again.

"Well, then it is nice to meet you. I'm Headmistress Tarenia. Your name is…." she looks him in the eyes.

"Takeshi Ryuu ma'am," he gives her a smile.

"It sure is nice to meet you Takeshi. I guess it is a good and bad thing that we had to meet on these terms," she gives him a faint smile back as Mr.Himu leaves the room.

"I'm glad to meet on these terms because that means that I've made the school safer, from Kinu I mean," Maiman rubs her head against the side of Takeshi's thigh.

"Who?" The headmistress looks a bit confused.

"The Clone. His name was Kinu," he scratches behind Maiman's ear while still looking at the woman.

"Oh that was probably its prey's name," she shrugs.

"No, it hadn't eaten yet. The body it was wearing was original, and so was the name. And I know you're going to ask me how I know this. I know this because I know my share of Clones and other creatures. Like I've been saying," once he finishes talking, the headmistress gets quiet.

"You should be in a higher level. Not level two. I think you proved that outside," she walks over and sits at her desk, opening her laptop and typing some things.

"Go ahead and take a seat as I print this," her hand motions to the chairs in front of her. He walks over and sits down as Maiman sits in the other chair.

"Ok here….. This is a map of the school and a list of all your classes and such. You think you can find your way around alone?" She hands him the packet of papers she had just printed off.

"Yes thank you ma'am," he smiles at her then stands up.

"And you can go home for the rest of the day, start fresh tomorrow, ok?" She looks up and smiles at him.

"Thank you," he smiles at her and leaves the room with Maiman following. He wanders the halls a little to get to know where his new classes are then he heads home.

"Well you're home early. On the first day too?" The man from breakfast laid on the couch as Takeshi steps inside the house.

"Some stuff happened….." he steps to the side of the doorway to let Maiman inside.

"Like? You didn't kill anyone, did you?" The man calls.

"No, I just found a Clone, confronted them, they got hostile, and I took them down, still alive," Takeshi closes the door after Maiman trots into the house.

"No fun. That's not how you was grown up," After shifting on the couch, the man lets out a grumble.

"Still. I'm not going to kill someone in the middle of a bunch of level ones. No matter how stupid they are and how much they need to learn, especially on my first day of school. I'm not going to turn out like you Wake. A drunk excuse for a boyfriend, even for my aunt," Takeshi grumbles then rushes up the stairs to his room, locking the door behind him and Maiman.