The Bright Next Day (Part 1)

Bellini blinked back to the present at the camp, thanks to the extra stop in the village, when they passed by the road there was a severe storm that knocked down... Well, he doesn't know what happened, but he received signals from people from the small town warning about the bad road.

They had carts with items from the capital to Matteo Abbey, so they had to take another path... But the path was close to a quiet green hill, only rocks rolled and nearly hit them to death.

What could be considered unlucky, they had to take another road and cross the bridge to the other side and take a calm path through a village that was harvesting wheat, the beautiful bright yellow landscape against the dark water river was too beautiful for the eyes, but when the bridge collapsed when Captain Rossi and some horsemen were on their way… Well, it wasn't pretty to look at.