The Bright Next Day (Part 2)

Giovanni was still sleeping soundly, so he was in physical shape resting on the bed. The citrus green eyes followed Emery's steps and took in the sleeping human's face a little.

"Don't move, okay? He's easily scary and impressionable," Emery said suddenly seeing Arabeth catching a lock of hair from the sleeping youth.

Azarphy looked at Giovanni and I remember him using magic to fight possessed people, even with a demonic relic in play the young man didn't hesitate to attack and fight, he didn't look at all scared.

"So I'm going to stay hidden forever?" Arabeth questioned with sour humor. He still had a strong impression of Giovanni, but now he felt jealous over the existence of this human who was so important to his master.

He and Emery were bound by a contract, so how could he not walk alongside his master?