Hung Dao saw what happened in front of him. His heart was touched deeply by the beautiful love between Ngu Lao and his mother.
"I am very sorry to interrupt. But if you have agreed to go with me, we must leave soon because there is a banquet tonight at the palace," Hung Dao finally spoke.
"Then wait for me a little, I'll pack up some clothes for him," the mother said. She quickly grabbed some old clothes she found from the closet and put them into a bag.
Meanwhile, Hung Dao called his soldiers to help Ngu Lao out to the cart again. Inside the house, the mother gave Hung Dao Ngu Lao's bag.
"Please take care of him for me."
Hung Dao nodded, "Are you not coming out?"
"No, Even I won't be able to let him go if I see him right now."
"You have raised a great son mam."
"Thank you."
"Don't be sad. He will be able to visit you every now and then."
"Ah. That is pleasant to hear."
"Goodbye then," Hung Dao bowed to the mother one last time and left. "Let's go."
"Wait. Where is my mother?" Ngu Lao asked Hung Dao.
"She will not come out. Don't worry, it is not like this is the last time you see her," Hung Dao eased him.
Ngu Lao silently nodded, and the group started going back to the palace.
"I'm sorry that our journey was interrupted like this," Hung Dao said to the ambassador.
"Don't mind me. I have seen enough today," the ambassador responded happily.
Meanwhile at the palace,
"Where is prince Hung Dao!"